HoloTube The Applied Holography Webinars Network

October 26-30, 2020

The first HoloTube event dedicated exclusively to PhD students and their work on holography-related topics. A week of talks with new and fresh ideas from our young researchers, an opportunity for students to share their work and for everybody to feel the energy of the community.

The talks will be 25+5 minutes each one and open for every PhD student willing to speak up.

Join Zoom Meeting : https://zoom.us/j/96046281924?pwd=cVR5QkZzS3l6MGxZVEJEdzFCZ0MwQT09



Mon 26th Tue 27th Wed 28th Thu 29th Fri 30th
11 Matthaiakakis Ji Bhattacharya Mondkar
11:45 Wittmer Tornsö Peveri Singh Cesaro
12:30 Tejera Dorband Caddeo Have Bliard
16:00 . Holotube seminar (Pantelidou) Zhao
17:15 . Wondrak Inkof Basteiro Pavlov Knaute
18:00 Garbiso Cancer Wang Tadic Camargo
18:45 Cartwright Tavakol Ruan Gomes Caldeira Waddell