I was born on 26 July 1987 in Isernia, Italy. I have obtained my master degree in Physics in 2012 at Università La Sapienza in Rome discussing the thesis «Orbiting around supersymmetric solutions in supergravity» under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Riccioni. In the same year I was admitted to the PhD program in Theoretical Physics of the Università di Roma La Sapienza. I have completed my doctoral studies on 22 January 2016, under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Riccioni, discussing the thesis «On branes, central charges and duality orbits in various supergravity theories «.
In the meantime, I have been awarded with a one-year fellowship by the
Università di Roma La Sapienza to work in the group of prof. Eric Bergshoeff in Groningen, the Netherlands. At the end of this period, in November 2017, I moved to Hannover, Germany, having received the Riemann fellowship, that allowed me to be part of the group of prof. Olaf Lechtenfeld. From 1 October 2018 I am working at the IFT as postdoc.
My research field is principally focused on the analysis of brane solutions in supergravity from an algebraic point of view, but I am also active in the context of Newton Cartan geometry, integrable models and I am interested in more formal arguments.