12/01/2021 | 16:00 CET | Pole skipping and related probes away from maximal chaos | Márk Mezei | Simons Center, Stony Brook |
26/01/2021 | 16:00 CET | What attracts to attractors? | Wilke Van Der Schee | CERN |
09/02/2021 | 16:00 CET | Quantum Gravity in the Lab | Brian Swingle | University of Maryland |
16/02/2021 | 16:00 CET | Page Curve from Holographic Moving Mirror | Tadashi Takayanagi | Kyoto University |
23/02/2021 | 15:00 CET | Planckian transport | Sean Hartnoll | Stanford University |
09/03/2021 | 16:00 CET | Causal symmetry breaking: from quantum chaos to wormholes | Julian Sonner | University of Geneva |
16/03/2021 | 15:00 CET | Bubble Dynamics from Holography | David Mateos | ICREA & U Barcelona |
13/04/2021 | 16:00 CEST | An effective field theory of stochastic diffusion from gravity | Mukund Rangamani | UC Davis |
20/04/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Bounds on transport from univalence | Sašo Grozdanov | MIT & U. Ljubljana |
27/04/2021 | 16:00 CEST | On systems of maximal quantum chaos | Mike Blake | University of Bristol |
04/05/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Applying gauge/gravity duality to neutron stars | Matti Jarvinen | APCTP |
11/05/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Stochastic gravity and turbulence | Amos Yarom | Technion |
18/05/2021 | 16:00 CEST | A Mellin-Barnes Approach to Scattering in de Sitter Space | Charlotte Sleight | IAS |
25/05/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Stabilization of the extended horizons | Alex Buchel | Perimeter Institute |
01/06/2021 | 16:00 CEST | The high temperature behavior of QFT | Zohar Komargodski | Stony Brook University |
08/06/2021 | 18:00 CEST | Fingerprints of quantum criticality in locally resolved transport | Andrew Lucas | University of Colorado Boulder |
15/06/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Holography and hydrodynamics of 2-group global symmetry | Nick Poovuttikul | Durham University |
22/06/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Mean string field theory | Nabil Iqbal | Durham University |
06/07/2021 | 11:00 CEST | JT gravity with defects and the Aharonov-Bohm effect | Kenta Suzuki | CPHT E. Polytechnique |
13/07/2021 | 16:00 CEST | Is the chiral magnetic effect fast enough? | Karl Landsteiner | IFT (Madrid) |
20/07/2021 | 16:00 CEST | The p-spin glass model: a holographer's perspective | Felix Haehl | IAS Princeton |