HoloTube The Applied Holography Webinars Network

Speaker: Gabriel Bliard

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Witten Diagrams and Bootstrap for the ABJM Wilson line

In models with an AdS/CFT dual, the strong coupling description of operator insertions on Wilson are small deformations of the minimal surface solution in the appropriate string background. In this slightly more formal holography setting, I will present the perturbative calculation of four-point correlators in the defect CFT defined on the 1/2-BPS Wilson line of ABJM theory (arXiv:2004.07849). These correlators have a natural expression in terms of a single function of the 1-dimensional invariant super cross ratio. I will show this function can be independently computed on both sides of the correspondence: In the 1 dimensional CFT by using selection rules and symmetry considerations to bootstrap the solution, and in the string theory by computing the correlators explicitely using Witten diagrams. Finally, I will present the CFT data that can be extracted from this.