HoloTube The Applied Holography Webinars Network

Speaker: Mattia Cesaro


The Squashed, Stretched, Warped, and Perturbed Gets Invaded

A superpotential deformation that is cubic in one of the chiral superfields of ABJM makes the latter theory flow into a new,  N=2 superconformal phase. This is holographically dual to a warped AdS_4 X_w S^7 solution of M-theory equipped with a squashed and stretched metric on S^7. In this talk I will show how to determine the spectrum of spin-2 operators of the cubic deformation at low energies by computing the complete spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravitons over the dual AdS_4 solution. I will further discuss how to use group theory to assess the structure of the full KK spectrum, and conclude that  N=2 supermultiplets cannot be allocated KK level by KK level. This phenomenon, usually referred to as “space invaders scenario”, is also known to occur for another AdS_4 solution based on a different squashed S^7.