Date : December 5, 2023, 10:00 CET
Markus Amano (Yamagata University)
Relativistic Hydrodynamics under Rotation with Holography
Abstract: In the realm of strongly-coupled systems, holography, has emerged as an invaluable tool for investigating hydrodynamical properties of strongly coupled fluids, like quark gluon plasmas. Based on recent work, this talk will present the findings about properties of strongly-coupled rotating fluids found with holography. The methods used will also be presented. In particular, we use a spinning black hole background in 5D AdS, AdS Myers-Perry black holes, as the gravitational dual of some strongly-coupled rotating fluid. As such, we have results of the field theory side (fluid results) and results of the gravity side. The fluid results cover findings pertaining to the unique features of the hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic regimes. This includes applicability of hydrodynamics at large temperatures and the effect of rotation on non-hydrodynamic modes at all temperatures. Gravity results include a new look at the stability of the AdS Myers-Perry solution and the dynamics of linear gravitation perturbations.