Date : November 29, 2022, 16:00 CET
Mihailo Čubrović (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
Factorization versus chaos in the IKKT matrix model
Abstract: I discuss the problem of factorization and its relation to quantum chaos in the framework of Type IIB matrix model (IKKT matrix model). Euclidean partition functions for the fluctuations of D-brane stacks in the IKKT model always have a factorizing configuration with a half-wormhole as the preferable solution (minimizing the action); non-factorizing solutions can also exist, but they are not global minima of the action. We then define the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) in the IKKT model in two different ways, corresponding to two parameter regimes, describing Type IIB string theory or the Eguchi-Kawai discretized super-Yang-Mills action. While the former shows non-universal behavior, the latter saturates the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford chaos bound. The (non)maximal chaos turns out to come from the (non)uniqueness of the factorizing saddle point. This suggests that factorization stems essentially from uniformly chaotic dynamics.