HoloTube The Applied Holography Webinars Network

15th of September “Hydrodynamics Off Equilibrium” by Paul Romatschke

Date : 8th of September 2020, 16:00 CET

Paul Romatschke (University of Colorado Boulder)

Link:  https://zoom.us/j/96945024145?pwd=aHM4emtlWFJ0M2VBd1pCSmhtYVptdz09

Title: Hydrodynamics Off Equilibrium

Abstract: Having a thermalized system is the textbook requirement for the
applicability of hydrodynamics. However, there is mounting evidence
that hydrodynamics offers a good quantitative description even in
off-equilibrium situations. Recent applications of resurgence to
relativistic fluid dynamics in the context of conformal systems is
able to put the new, generalized theory of off-equilibrium fluid
dynamics on solid theoretical footing, without requiring near local
equilibrium or even isotropy. This offers a tempting explanation for
the ‘unreasonable success’ of hydrodynamics in describing experimental
data for p+p and p+A collisions.

2+ Free Equilibrium & Unstable Vectors - Pixabay