HoloTube The Applied Holography Webinars Network

Speaker: Sergio Morales Tejera

Instituto de Física Teórica (UAM/CSIC)

Out of equilibrium Anomalous transport in Holography

Anomalies constitute one of the cornerstones of quantum field theories, providing an explanation to phenomena otherwise prohibited as it is the neutral pion decay to two photons. In spite of its microscopic origin, it can give rise to macroscopic effects, e.g. anomalous transport. I will focus on two of the predicted transport phenomena, namely the Chiral Vortical (CVE) and Chiral Magnetic (CME) Effects, highlighting their relevance for the Quark Gluon plasma produced at LHC and RHIC. The study is performed within the holographic framework, which is best suited to study out of equilibrium processes in quantum field theories.