HoloTube The Applied Holography Webinars Network

24th November ”Topological modes in hydrodynamics and holography” by Ya-Wen Sun

Date : 24th of November 2020, 15:00 CET

Ya-Wen Sun (UCAS Beijing)

Link: https://zoom.us/j/96945024145?pwd=aHM4emtlWFJ0M2VBd1pCSmhtYVptdz09

Title: Topological modes in hydrodynamics and holography

Abstract: In this talk I will show that gapless modes in relativistic hydrodynamics could become topologically nontrivial by weakly breaking the conservation of energy momentum tensor in a specific way. This system has topological semimetal-like crossing nodes in the spectrum of hydrodynamic modes that require the protection of a special combination of translational and boost symmetries in two spatial directions. One possible origin for the non-conservation terms of the energy momentum tensor is an external gravitational field which could be generated by a specific coordinate transformation from the flat spacetime. This suggests that topologically trivial modes could become topologically nontrivial by being observed in a special non-inertial reference frame. Finally a holographic realization of this system will be introduced. 

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