Thesis supervision:
All of the members of the Theory Department @ UAM and of the IFT UAM/CSIC are offering the possibility to write the MSc thesis with them.
Thesis topics 2024-2025:
In the document here and in the link here, all the possible projects for a MSc thesis are listed for a PEC and AFC specialization respectively. Please note that the MSc thesis is not restricted to be selected from this list; this list simply reflects research interests of potential supervisors. You always have the option to talk to the members and come up with a new project.
Note that each project has to be a work worth 12 ECTS which translates to 300 hours (ca. 8 weeks) of work. The work will primarily be undertaken during (and after) the third trimester, but you are free to start as early as possible. There will be two calls to present the master thesis: one in end-June/early July and another one in early-September.