
MSc Courses 2024-25

First Trimester (9/9 – 29/11)


PEC & AFC Core course:
32880 – Gravitation (GRA): Yashar Akrami

PEC Core course:
32550 – Quantum Field Theory (QFT): Carlos Pena

Elective courses for PEC:
32559 – Advanced Mathematics (MAV): José del Peso and Karl Landsteiner
32562 – Quantum Entanglement and Information (QEI): Coordinator: Esperanza López Manzanares

Elective courses for AFC:
32554 – Radiative processes in astrophysics (PRA): Coordinator: Alexander Knebe
32565 – Observational techniques in Astrophysics (TOA): Coordinator: Gwendolyn Meeus

Second Trimester (2/12 – 7/3)

PEC & AFC Core course:
32549 – Cosmology (COSMO): Alexander Knebe & Savvas Nesseris

PEC Core course:
32879 – Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM): María José Herrero & José Miguel No

Elective course for PEC:
32558 – Advanced Quantum Field Theory (AQFT): Gregorio Herdoíza

AFC core course:
32552 – Stellar Structure and Evolution (EEE): Coordinator: Nataly Ospina and Yago Ascasíbar

Third Trimester (10/3 – 30/5)

Elective courses for both PEC & AFC:
32555 – Astroparticle Physics (ASP): David García Cerdeño & Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde
32556 – Advanced Cosmology (COAv): Gustavo Yepes, Matteo Fasiello, Weiguang Cui
33436 – Advanced Gravitation (GRAAv): Coordinator: Tomás Ortín

Elective courses for PEC:
32560 – Open Problems in the Standard Model (OPSM): Luca Merlo
32561 – Experimental Particle Physics (FISExp): Jorge de Troconiz, Claudia Glasman & Juan Terrón

Elective courses for AFC:
32566 – Computational Astrophysics (ACO): Coordinator: Weiguang Cui
32563 – Galaxy Formation and Evolution (FEG): Coordinator: Daniel Ceverino

Link to the AFC website:

The official timetable can be found here.