Date and time: Monday December 14th at 11:00 CET
Speaker: Federica Pompa (UVEG ESR)
Title: Neutrino physics with the XENONnT experiment
Abstract: One of the most active fields in physics is the search for Dark Matter, for which the XENON Project is one of the main protagonists. The new XENONnT experiment, upgrade of the previous XENON1T, will be operative soon in the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, in Italy. It is a multi-ton detector for direct search of Dark Matter, consisting of a double phase liquid-gas xenon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) containing about 6 tons of liquid xenon target mass. This TPC is enclosed into a Cryostat surrounded by two Veto systems instrumented with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for muon and neutron tagging. The whole setup is inserted into a tank containing Gd-doped water, to suppress further the background in the TPC. Its aim, as that of its precursor, is to detect WIMPs elastic scattering on xenon nuclei through the measure of the light and charge signals produced by recoils in liquid xenon.Thanks to the large masses of water and xenon used, the XENONnT potential can be extended also to a different topics of particle and astroparticle physics, in particular to test its capabilities to detect neutrinos coming from Supernova explosions and to observe the Standard Model forbidden neutrinoless double beta decay.I will present the results of a Monte Carlo simulation to predict the XENONnT detection efficiencies for Supernova neutrino events as inverse beta decay interactions in the neutron and muon Vetoes.Then I will investigate the XENONnT power to detect neutrinoless double beta decay of the Xe-136 isotope by evaluating the electronic recoil background rate from Cryostat and PMTs in the energy region where we expect to observe this nuclear transition.
Slides: files/HIDDeN_webinar_FP.pdf
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