Date and time: Monday, June 14th at 11:30 CEST

Speaker:  Virgile Dandoy (KIT)

Title: Self-Consistent Dark Matter Halo from Axion Particles

Abstract: Instead of describing them through non-relativistic particles, axions have the very interesting property to be described by the non-relativistic approximation of the axion field itself. When coupled to their own gravitational field, their dynamic follows the Schrodinger-Poisson system. This wave dark matter (ψDM) once submitted to numerical simulations is able to probe some features of the dark matter halos and solve the disagreements between their observations and the cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. However, being more and more computationally challenging, ψDM halo simulations have their limitations. We illustrate here an analytical method to construct wave-halo solutions by making the link with collisionless particle distribution function. This analytic expression turns out to be very useful to probe the halo small scales and the other properties of the dark matter halos.

Slides:  files/HIDDeN_Webinar-Dandoy.pdf



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