A call for LGTBIQA+ rights in STEM

A call for LGTBIQA+ rights in STEM ESAC, Madrid

November 18 is marked as the ‘International Day of LGTBIQA+ people in STEM’. This day celebrates and recognises the contributions, aspirations and challenges that the LGTBIQA+ community encounters in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The Out in Space group at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) and the Women and Astronomy Committee (CMyA) of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) have joined forces to launch the 1st panel discussion ‘November 18: A call for LGTBIQA+ rights in STEM’. In this event we will count with the special presence of four great experts in STEM, who proudly represent the LGTBIQA+ community in their field of expertise. 

Karen Macías participates as a speaker.

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