Source code for HaloSelection

Library of function to create halo catalogs matched to a density.

.. moduleauthor:: Johan Comparat <>

import random
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
import as fits
import numpy as n
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.stats as st
import os
from os.path import join

[docs]class MultiDarkMock: """ :param hdu: hdu of the lightcone :param area: area in deg2 :param mockOutput_dir: directory where to output mocks :param mockName: name of the file where to save the mock :param zmin: minimum redshift array defining the bins :param zmax: maximum redshift array defining the bins :param nGal_Deg2: number of galaxies per square degrees """ def __init__(self,hdu, area, mockOutput_dir, mockName, zmin, zmax, nGal_Deg2 ): self.hdu = hdu self.area = area self.mockOutput_dir = mockOutput_dir self.mockName = mockName self.zmin = zmin self.zmax = zmax self.nGal_Deg2 = nGal_Deg2
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initializes the procedure by putting into memroy arrays of central and satellites. """ # derived numbers common to all SHAMs. self.cen = (self.hdu[1].data['pid'] == -1) self.sat = (self.cen == False) self.Nhalos = self.hdu[1].header['NAXIS2'] self.IDh = n.arange(self.Nhalos) self.nGal = n.array([ int(el * self.area) for el in self.nGal_Deg2 ]) #self.nGal_to_z = interp1d(nGal_Deg2,(self.zmax+self.zmin)/2.) #function to slice by redshift self.slice_Z = lambda z1, z2 : (self.hdu[1].data['z_redshift_space'] >= z1) & ( self.hdu[1].data['z_redshift_space'] < z2)
[docs] def write_catalog_ascii(self): """Writes the obtained mock catalog for clustering estimation: just ra, dec and redshift. """ print "writes ascii catalog :", self.mockName outPutFileName = join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName + "" ) self.raMock = self.hdu[1].data['ra'][self.idSel] self.decMock = self.hdu[1].data['dec'][self.idSel] self.zMock = self.hdu[1].data['z_redshift_space'][self.idSel] n.savetxt(outPutFileName, n.transpose([ self.raMock, self.decMock, self.zMock]),fmt = '%.8f %.8f %.5f')
[docs] def write_full_catalog_fits(self): """Writes the obtained with all the columns from the parent lightcone catalog.""" print "writes fits catalog :", self.mockName tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( self.hdu[1].columns ) =[self.idSel] prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header = self.hdu[0].header) thdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu]) outPutFileName = join(self.mockOutput_dir,self.mockName+"_allCols.fits") os.system('rm -rf '+ outPutFileName) thdulist.writeto(outPutFileName)
[docs] def get_distrib_QTY(self, colN, z1, z2): """Computes the cumulative histogram of a column for halos in the range z1, z2. :param colN: name of the column you want to take the histogram. :param z1: minimum redshift :param z2: maximum redshift """ zsel = self.slice_Z( z1, z2) IDhz = self.IDh[zsel] # all ids in this redshift bin QTY = self.hdu[1].data[colN][zsel] # all QTY in this redshift bin nn,bb,pp = p.hist(QTY,cumulative = True,bins = len(QTY)/100) p.clf() print len(IDhz), "halos with ",z1, "<z<", z2 return IDhz,QTY,nn,bb
[docs] def select_sham(self, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY, nn, bb): """ Returns the ids corresponding to a given density. :param nGal_perbin: number of galaxies to be selected :param IDhz: parent ID distribution :param QTY: quantity to select halos on :param nn: cumulative distribution o QTY :param bb: bins of the cumulative distribution """ mfc = interp1d(nn, (bb[:-1]+bb[1:])/2.) QTYmax = mfc(len(QTY)) QTYmin = mfc(len(QTY)-nGal_perbin) qsel = (QTY>QTYmin)&(QTY<= QTYmax) IDhzq = IDhz[qsel] print "N to be selected:",nGal_perbin,", Nselected:",len(IDhzq) return IDhzq
[docs] def make_sham_catalog(self, colN='mvir'): """ Creates lists of ids of halos corresponding to the density given in the n(z). For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. """ ids = [] for ii in range(len(self.zmin)): print "gets all halos for ", self.zmin[ii], "<z<", self.zmax[ii], "with col5 to mock ", self.nGal[ii], " galaxies." IDhz, QTY, nn, bb = self.get_distrib_QTY( colN, self.zmin[ii], self.zmax[ii]) ids.append( self.select_sham(self.nGal[ii],IDhz, QTY, nn,bb)) self.idSel = n.hstack(( ids )) self.NhaloMock = len((self.idSel).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def select_shamIncomplete(self, incompFactor, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY, nn, bb): """ Returns the ids corresponding to a given density and an incompleteness factor. :param nGal_perbin: number of galaxies to be selected :param IDhz: parent ID distribution :param QTY: quantity to select halos on :param nn: cumulative distribution o QTY :param bb: bins of the cumulative distribution :param incompFactor: incompleteness factor compared to the max of QTY : max(QTY)/incompFactor will be set as the max of the extracted distribution. """ mfc = interp1d(nn,(bb[1:]+bb[:-1])/2.) mfcInv = interp1d((bb[1:]+bb[:-1])/2.,nn) QTYmaxAll = mfc(len(QTY))/incompFactor Nmax = mfcInv(QTYmaxAll) QTYmax = mfc(Nmax) QTYmin = mfc(Nmax-nGal_perbin) qsel = (QTY>QTYmin)&(QTY<= QTYmax) IDhzq = IDhz[qsel] return IDhzq
[docs] def make_shamIncomplete_catalog(self, colN, incompletenessFactor ): """ Creates lists of ids of halos corresponding to the density given in the n(z). For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. """ ids = [] for ii in range(len(self.zmin)): print "gets all halos for ", self.zmin[ii], "<z<", self.zmax[ii], "with col5 to mock ", self.nGal[ii], " galaxies." IDhz, QTY, nn, bb = get_distrib_QTY( hdu, colN, self.zmin[ii], self.zmax[ii] ) ids.append( self.select_shamIncomplete( incompletenessFactor[ii], self.nGal[ii], IDhz, QTY, nn, bb ) ) self.idSel = n.hstack(( ids )) self.NhaloMock = len((self.idSel).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def select_shamMAX(self,QTY_max, nGal_perbin,IDhz, QTY, nn,bb): """ Returns the ids corresponding to a given density with a maximum in the QTY. :param nGal_perbin: number of galaxies to be selected :param IDhz: parent ID distribution :param QTY: quantity to select halos on :param nn: cumulative distribution o QTY :param bb: bins of the cumulative distribution :param QTY_max: the max of QTY is set to QTY_max. """ mfc = interp1d(nn,(bb[1:]+bb[:-1])/2.) mfcInv = interp1d((bb[1:]+bb[:-1])/2.,nn) Nmax = mfcInv(QTY_max) QTYmax = mfc(Nmax) QTYmin = mfc(Nmax-nGal_perbin) qsel = (QTY>QTYmin)&(QTY<= QTYmax) IDhzq = IDhz[qsel] return IDhzq
[docs] def make_shamMAX_catalog(self, colN, maxQTY ): """ Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. """ ids = [] for ii in range(len(self.zmin)): print "gets all halos for ", self.zmin[ii], "<z<", self.zmax[ii], "with col5 to mock ", self.nGal[ii], " galaxies." IDhz, QTY, nn, bb = get_distrib_QTY( hdu, colN, self.zmin[ii], self.zmax[ii] ) ids.append( self.select_shamMAX( maxQTY[ii], self.nGal[ii], IDhz, QTY, nn, bb ) ) self.idSel = n.hstack(( ids )) self.NhaloMock = len((self.idSel).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def select_Gaussian(self, meanQTY, scatterQTY, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY): """ Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z) and to a gaussian distribution . For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. :param meanQTY: mean of the distribution :param scatterQTY: scatter of the distribution :param nGal_perbin: total number of galaxies in this bins to mock :param IDhz: IDs of the halos in this bin :param QTY: array of the column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ... """ # constructs the QTY intervals around the distribution expected_cdf = lambda x : st.norm.cdf(x, loc = meanQTY, scale = scatterQTY) interval = [ meanQTY - 9 * scatterQTY , meanQTY + 9 * scatterQTY] xs = n.arange(interval[0],interval[1],(interval[1]-interval[0])/1000.) out = expected_cdf(xs) expected_cdf_inv = interp1d(out,xs) boundaries = n.hstack((expected_cdf_inv(0.01),expected_cdf_inv(n.arange(0.1,0.91,0.1)), interval[1])) # gets the number of halos to select expected_cdf_tot = lambda x : nGal_perbin * st.norm.cdf(x, loc = meanQTY, scale = scatterQTY) Up = expected_cdf_tot(boundaries[1:]) Low = n.hstack(( 0., expected_cdf_tot(boundaries[1:])[:-1] )) N2select = Up-Low print N2select,Up,Low # select in mass in the box qsels = n.array([ (QTY>boundaries[ii])&(QTY<= boundaries[ii+1]) for ii in range(len(boundaries)-1) ]) IDhzqAll = n.array([ IDhz[qs] for qs in qsels ]) # random downsample to the N2select in each bin i = 0 ids_selected = [] for arr in IDhzqAll: random.shuffle(arr) ids_selected.append(arr[:N2select[i]]) i+= 1 ids_selected = n.hstack(( n.array(ids_selected) )) return ids_selected
[docs] def make_Gaussian_catalog(self, colN, means, scatters): """ Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). :param colN: name of the column you construct the catalog with :param means: means of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param scatters: scatters of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin """ ids = [] for ii in range(len(self.zmin)): print "gets all halos for ", self.zmin[ii], "<z<", self.zmax[ii], "with col5 to mock ", self.nGal[ii], " galaxies." IDhz, QTY, nn, bb = get_distrib_QTY( hdu, colN, self.zmin[ii], self.zmax[ii] ) ids.append( self.select_Gaussian( means[ii], scatters[ii], self.nGal[ii], IDhz, QTY ) ) self.idSel = n.hstack(( ids )) self.NhaloMock = len((self.idSel).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def get_distrib_QTY_cen(self, colN, z1, z2): """Computes the cumulative histogram of a column for central halos in the range z1, z2. :param colN: name of the column you want to take the histogram. :param z1: minimum redshift :param z2: maximum redshift """ zsel = self.slice_Z(z1, z2) & (self.cen) IDhz = self.IDh[zsel] # all ids in this redshift bin QTY = self.hdu[1].data[colN][zsel] # all QTY in this redshift bin nn,bb,pp = p.hist(QTY,cumulative = True,bins = len(QTY)/100) p.clf() return IDhz,QTY,nn,bb
[docs] def get_distrib_QTY_sat(self, colN, z1, z2): """Computes the cumulative histogram of a column for satellite halos in the range z1, z2. :param colN: name of the column you want to take the histogram. :param z1: minimum redshift :param z2: maximum redshift """ zsel = self.slice_Z(z1, z2) & (self.sat) IDhz = self.IDh[zsel] # all ids in this redshift bin QTY = self.hdu[1].data[colN][zsel] # all QTY in this redshift bin nn,bb,pp = p.hist(QTY,cumulative = True,bins = len(QTY)/100) p.clf() return IDhz,QTY,nn,bb
[docs] def select_GaussianFsat(self,meanQTY,scatterQTY,fsat, nGal_perbin, IDhz_c, QTY_c, IDhz_s, QTY_s ): """ Extracts the ids of halos to create a mock with a Gaussian distribution. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. :param meanQTY: mean of the distribution :param scatterQTY: scatter of the distribution :param fsat: fraction of satellite in this bin :param nGal_perbin: total number of galaxies in this bins to mock :param IDhz_c: IDs of the central halos in this bin :param QTY_c: column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ... for the central halos :param IDhz_s: IDs of the satellite halos in this bin :param QTY_s: column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ... for the satellite halos """ nSat = int(nGal_perbin*fsat) print "satellites",nGal_perbin,nSat,fsat,meanQTY,scatterQTY # constructs the QTY intervals around the distribution expected_cdf = lambda x : st.norm.cdf(x, loc = meanQTY, scale = scatterQTY) interval = [ meanQTY - 9 * scatterQTY , meanQTY + 9 * scatterQTY] xs = n.arange(interval[0],interval[1],(interval[1]-interval[0])/1000.) out = expected_cdf(xs) expected_cdf_inv = interp1d(out,xs) boundaries = n.hstack((expected_cdf_inv(0.01),expected_cdf_inv(n.arange(0.1,0.91,0.1)), interval[1])) # gets the number of halos to select the SAT expected_cdf_s = lambda x : nSat * st.norm.cdf(x, loc = meanQTY, scale = scatterQTY) Up_s = expected_cdf_s(boundaries[1:]) Low_s = n.hstack(( 0., expected_cdf_s(boundaries[1:])[:-1] )) N2select_s = Up_s-Low_s # select in mass in the box qsels_s = n.array([ (QTY_s>boundaries[ii])&(QTY_s<= boundaries[ii+1]) for ii in range(len(boundaries)-1) ]) IDhzqAll_s = n.array([ IDhz_s[qs] for qs in qsels_s ]) # random downsample to the N2select in each bin i = 0 ids_selected_s = [] for arr2 in IDhzqAll_s: random.shuffle(arr2) #print len(arr2),int(N2select_s[i]) ids_selected_s.append(arr2[:int(N2select_s[i])]) i+= 1 id_s = n.hstack((n.array(ids_selected_s))) nSatReal = len(id_s) nCen = nGal_perbin-nSatReal print "centrals", nGal_perbin,nSat,nCen,fsat,meanQTY,scatterQTY # gets the number of halos to select the CEN, compatible with the sat fraction to get the right density. print "centrals" expected_cdf_c = lambda x : nCen * st.norm.cdf(x, loc = meanQTY, scale = scatterQTY) Up_c = expected_cdf_c(boundaries[1:]) Low_c = n.hstack(( 0., expected_cdf_c(boundaries[1:])[:-1] )) N2select_c = Up_c-Low_c # select in mass in the box qsels_c = n.array([ (QTY_c>boundaries[ii])&(QTY_c<= boundaries[ii+1]) for ii in range(len(boundaries)-1) ]) IDhzqAll_c = n.array([ IDhz_c[qs] for qs in qsels_c ]) # random downsample to the N2select in each bin i = 0 ids_selected_c = [] for arr in IDhzqAll_c: random.shuffle(arr) #print len(arr),int(N2select_c[i]) ids_selected_c.append(arr[:int(N2select_c[i])]) i+= 1 id_c = n.hstack((n.array(ids_selected_c))) ids_selected = n.hstack((id_c,id_s )) print len(id_c),len(id_s),len(ids_selected) return ids_selected
[docs] def make_GaussianFsat_catalog(self, colN, means, scatters, fsats): """ Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). :param colN: name of the column you construct the catalog with :param means: means of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param scatters: scatters of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param fsats: fractions of satellite, array the same length of the redshift bin """ ids = [] for ii in range(len(self.zmin)): print "gets all halos for ",self.zmin[ii],"<z<",self.zmax[ii], "with col5 to mock ", self.nGal[ii], " galaxies." IDhz_c,QTY_c,nn_c,bb_c = self.get_distrib_QTY_cen( colN, z1=self.zmin[ii], z2=self.zmax[ii]) IDhz_s,QTY_s,nn_s,bb_s = self.get_distrib_QTY_sat( colN, z1=self.zmin[ii], z2=self.zmax[ii]) ids.append( self.select_GaussianFsat( means[ii], scatters[ii], fsats[ii], self.nGal[ii], IDhz_c, QTY_c, IDhz_s, QTY_s ) ) self.idSel = n.hstack(( ids )) self.NhaloMock = len((self.idSel).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def select_LogNorm(self, meanQTY, scatterQTY, nGal_perbin,IDhz, QTY, nn,bb): """ Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z) and to a gaussian distribution . For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. :param meanQTY: mean of the distribution :param scatterQTY: scatter of the distribution :param nGal_perbin: total number of galaxies in this bins to mock :param IDhz: IDs of the halos in this bin :param QTY: array of the column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ... """ # constructs the QTY intervals around the distribution expected_cdf = lambda x : st.lognorm.cdf(x, meanQTY, scatterQTY) interval = [ meanQTY - 9 * scatterQTY , meanQTY + 9 * scatterQTY] xs = n.arange(interval[0],interval[1],(interval[1]-interval[0])/1000.) out = expected_cdf(xs) expected_cdf_inv = interp1d(out,xs) boundaries = n.hstack((expected_cdf_inv(0.01),expected_cdf_inv(n.arange(0.1,0.91,0.1)), interval[1])) # gets the number of halos to select expected_cdf_tot = lambda x : nGal_perbin * st.lognorm.cdf(x, meanQTY, scatterQTY) Up = expected_cdf_tot(boundaries[1:]) Low = n.hstack(( 0., expected_cdf_tot(boundaries[1:])[:-1] )) N2select = Up-Low #print N2select,Up,Low # select in mass in the box qsels = n.array([ (QTY>boundaries[ii])&(QTY<= boundaries[ii+1]) for ii in range(len(boundaries)-1) ]) IDhzqAll = n.array([ IDhz[qs] for qs in qsels ]) # random downsample to the N2select in each bin i = 0 ids_selected = [] for arr in IDhzqAll: random.shuffle(arr) ids_selected.append(arr[:N2select[i]]) i+= 1 ids_selected = n.hstack(( n.array(ids_selected) )) return ids_selected
[docs] def make_LogNorm_catalog(self, colN, means, scatters): """ Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). :param colN: name of the column you construct the catalog with :param means: means of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param scatters: scatters of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin """ ids = [] for ii in range(len(self.zmin)): print "gets all halos for ", self.zmin[ii], "<z<", self.zmax[ii], "with col5 to mock ", self.nGal[ii], " galaxies." IDhz, QTY, nn, bb = get_distrib_QTY( hdu, colN, self.zmin[ii], self.zmax[ii] ) ids.append( self.select_LogNorm( means[ii], scatters[ii], self.nGal[ii], IDhz, QTY ) ) self.idSel = n.hstack(( ids )) self.NhaloMock = len((self.idSel).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def create_random_catalog(self, factor = 5., dz=0.025 ): """Writes a random catalog""" self.nRandom = int(self.NhaloMock * factor ) raR = n.random.uniform(n.min(self.raMock), n.max(self.raMock), self.nRandom ) decR = n.random.uniform(n.min(self.decMock), n.max(self.decMock), self.nRandom ) z1=n.arange(n.min(self.zMock)-0.1, n.max(self.zMock)+0.1, dz) nn,bb,pp=p.hist(self.zMock, bins=z1) nz=interp1d((z1[1:]+z1[:-1])/2.,factor*nn) zs=n.arange(n.min(self.zMock), n.max(self.zMock), dz) rdsz=[] for i in range(len(zs)-1): inter=n.random.uniform(low=zs[i], high=zs[i+1], size=int(2* nz( zs[i]+dz/2. ))) rdsz.append(inter) rds=n.hstack((rdsz)) n.random.shuffle(rds) selRDS=(n.random.rand(len(raR))<float(self.nRandom)/len(raR)) RR=rds[:len(raR[selRDS])] print "N final",len(raR[selRDS]) outPutFileName = join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName + "" ) n.savetxt(outPutFileName,n.transpose([raR[selRDS],decR[selRDS],RR]),fmt='%.8f %.8f %.5f') raR,decR,RR=0,0,0
[docs] def writeClusteringParamFile(self,type,decade=""): """ Writes the clustering commands that command the CUTE code, see Alonso et al. 2012 :param type: monopole or angular or ... :param decade: string suffix that is appended if you study different scales (decades) _d1, _d2, _d3 are used for the angular clustering.""" f=open(join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName +".param2PCF_"+type+decade),'a') f.write("data_filename= "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName + "" )+" \n") f.write("random_filename= "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName + "" )+" \n") f.write("input_format= 2 \n") f.write("mask_filename= 'none' \n") f.write("z_dist_filename= 'none' \n") f.write("output_filename= "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName )+"_2PCF_"+type+decade+".dat \n") f.write("num_lines= all \n") f.write("corr_type= "+type+" \n") f.write("corr_estimator= LS \n") f.write("np_rand_fact= 5 \n") f.write("omega_M= 0.307115 \n") f.write("omega_L= 0.692885 \n") f.write("w= -1 \n") f.write("radial_aperture= 1 \n") f.write("use_pm= 0 \n") f.write("n_pix_sph= 2048 \n") f.close()
[docs] def compute_clustering(self): """ Runs the CUTE code to estimate clustering using the LS estimator. """ os.system("/home2/jcomparat/code/CUTE-1.1A1/CUTE/CUTE "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName +".param2PCF_angular_d1")) os.system("/home2/jcomparat/code/CUTE-1.1A2/CUTE/CUTE "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName +".param2PCF_angular_d2")) os.system("/home2/jcomparat/code/CUTE-1.1A3/CUTE/CUTE "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName +".param2PCF_angular_d3")) os.system("/home2/jcomparat/code/CUTE-1.1M/CUTE/CUTE "+join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName +".param2PCF_monopole"))
[docs] def compare_clustering_data_mock(self, w_data, xi_data, theta_min_chi2 = -2.3, theta_max_chi2= -1.5, w_bins=15, s_min_chi2=0.5, s_max_chi2=1.2, s_bins=10): """Compares the clustering of the mock catalog and the clustering of the data. :param w_data: angular clustering from the data [x, y, yErr]. :param xi_data: monopole clustering from the data [x, y, yErr]. """ ths = n.logspace(theta_min_chi2,theta_max_chi2,w_bins) ss = n.logspace(s_min_chi2,s_max_chi2,s_bins) # loads the angular clustering from the mock xx0, yy0, y2E = n.loadtxt( join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName )+"_2PCF_"+"angular"+"_d3"+".dat",unpack=True,usecols = (0,1,2)) xx1, yy1, y1E= n.loadtxt( join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName )+"_2PCF_"+"angular"+"_d2"+".dat",unpack=True,usecols = (0,1,2)) w_M = interp1d( n.hstack((xx0,xx1[1:])), n.hstack((yy0,yy1[1:])) ) #,yy2[1:])) # loads the monopole from the mock s_M_a, xi_M_a = n.loadtxt( join( self.mockOutput_dir, self.mockName )+"_2PCF_"+"monopole"+".dat",unpack=True,usecols = (0,1)) xi_M = interp1d( s_M_a, xi_M_a ) # loads the monopole from the mock #s_selection_data=( xi_data[0] > s_min_chi2 ) & ( xi_data[0] < s_max_chi2 ) & (xi_data[1] > 2 * xi_data[2]) #theta_selection_data = ( w_data[0] > theta_min_chi2 ) & ( w_data[0] < theta_max_chi2 ) & (w_data[1] > 2 * w_data[2]) xi_D = interp1d( xi_data[0], xi_data[1]) #[s_selection_data], xi_data[1][s_selection_data] ) xi_D_err = interp1d( xi_data[0], xi_data[2]) #[s_selection_data], xi_data[2][s_selection_data] ) w_D = interp1d( w_data[0], w_data[1]) #[theta_selection_data], w_data[1][theta_selection_data] ) w_D_err = interp1d( w_data[0], w_data[2]) #[theta_selection_data], w_data[2][theta_selection_data] ) chi2Wr = n.sum((w_D(ths) - w_M(ths))**2. / w_D_err(ths)**2) /len(ths) chi2Xr = n.sum((xi_D(ss) - xi_M(ss))**2. / xi_D_err(ss)**2) /len(ss) return chi2Wr, chi2Xr