halo abundance matching code

This class handles a light cone and assigns galaxies to the halos

Library of function to create halo catalogs matched to a density.

class HaloSelection.MultiDarkMock(hdu, area, mockOutput_dir, mockName, zmin, zmax, nGal_Deg2)[source]
  • hdu – hdu of the lightcone
  • area – area in deg2
  • mockOutput_dir – directory where to output mocks
  • mockName – name of the file where to save the mock
  • zmin – minimum redshift array defining the bins
  • zmax – maximum redshift array defining the bins
  • nGal_Deg2 – number of galaxies per square degrees
compare_clustering_data_mock(w_data, xi_data, theta_min_chi2=-2.3, theta_max_chi2=-1.5, w_bins=15, s_min_chi2=0.5, s_max_chi2=1.2, s_bins=10)[source]

Compares the clustering of the mock catalog and the clustering of the data. :param w_data: angular clustering from the data [x, y, yErr]. :param xi_data: monopole clustering from the data [x, y, yErr].


Runs the CUTE code to estimate clustering using the LS estimator.

create_random_catalog(factor=5.0, dz=0.025)[source]

Writes a random catalog

get_distrib_QTY(colN, z1, z2)[source]

Computes the cumulative histogram of a column for halos in the range z1, z2. :param colN: name of the column you want to take the histogram. :param z1: minimum redshift :param z2: maximum redshift

get_distrib_QTY_cen(colN, z1, z2)[source]

Computes the cumulative histogram of a column for central halos in the range z1, z2. :param colN: name of the column you want to take the histogram. :param z1: minimum redshift :param z2: maximum redshift

get_distrib_QTY_sat(colN, z1, z2)[source]

Computes the cumulative histogram of a column for satellite halos in the range z1, z2. :param colN: name of the column you want to take the histogram. :param z1: minimum redshift :param z2: maximum redshift


Initializes the procedure by putting into memroy arrays of central and satellites.

make_GaussianFsat_catalog(colN, means, scatters, fsats)[source]

Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). :param colN: name of the column you construct the catalog with :param means: means of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param scatters: scatters of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param fsats: fractions of satellite, array the same length of the redshift bin

make_Gaussian_catalog(colN, means, scatters)[source]

Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). :param colN: name of the column you construct the catalog with :param means: means of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param scatters: scatters of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin

make_LogNorm_catalog(colN, means, scatters)[source]

Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). :param colN: name of the column you construct the catalog with :param means: means of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin :param scatters: scatters of the Gaussians, array the same length of the redshift bin

make_shamIncomplete_catalog(colN, incompletenessFactor)[source]

Creates lists of ids of halos corresponding to the density given in the n(z). For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham.

make_shamMAX_catalog(colN, maxQTY)[source]

Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z). For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham.


Creates lists of ids of halos corresponding to the density given in the n(z). For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham.

select_Gaussian(meanQTY, scatterQTY, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY)[source]

Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z) and to a gaussian distribution . For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. :param meanQTY: mean of the distribution :param scatterQTY: scatter of the distribution :param nGal_perbin: total number of galaxies in this bins to mock :param IDhz: IDs of the halos in this bin :param QTY: array of the column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ...

select_GaussianFsat(meanQTY, scatterQTY, fsat, nGal_perbin, IDhz_c, QTY_c, IDhz_s, QTY_s)[source]

Extracts the ids of halos to create a mock with a Gaussian distribution. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. :param meanQTY: mean of the distribution :param scatterQTY: scatter of the distribution :param fsat: fraction of satellite in this bin :param nGal_perbin: total number of galaxies in this bins to mock :param IDhz_c: IDs of the central halos in this bin :param QTY_c: column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ... for the central halos :param IDhz_s: IDs of the satellite halos in this bin :param QTY_s: column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ... for the satellite halos

select_LogNorm(meanQTY, scatterQTY, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY, nn, bb)[source]

Creates lists of ids of centrals and satellite galaxies corresponding to the density given in the n(z) and to a gaussian distribution . For every bin of redshift, it gets the distribution o fthe column of interest and matches to the density of galaxies in the NZ given. Then provides a column of ids extracted from teh lightcone. :param colN: name of the column you wish to work on for the sham. :param meanQTY: mean of the distribution :param scatterQTY: scatter of the distribution :param nGal_perbin: total number of galaxies in this bins to mock :param IDhz: IDs of the halos in this bin :param QTY: array of the column to do the match on, mass, velocity, ...

select_sham(nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY, nn, bb)[source]

Returns the ids corresponding to a given density. :param nGal_perbin: number of galaxies to be selected :param IDhz: parent ID distribution :param QTY: quantity to select halos on :param nn: cumulative distribution o QTY :param bb: bins of the cumulative distribution

select_shamIncomplete(incompFactor, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY, nn, bb)[source]

Returns the ids corresponding to a given density and an incompleteness factor. :param nGal_perbin: number of galaxies to be selected :param IDhz: parent ID distribution :param QTY: quantity to select halos on :param nn: cumulative distribution o QTY :param bb: bins of the cumulative distribution :param incompFactor: incompleteness factor compared to the max of QTY : max(QTY)/incompFactor will be set as the max of the extracted distribution.

select_shamMAX(QTY_max, nGal_perbin, IDhz, QTY, nn, bb)[source]

Returns the ids corresponding to a given density with a maximum in the QTY. :param nGal_perbin: number of galaxies to be selected :param IDhz: parent ID distribution :param QTY: quantity to select halos on :param nn: cumulative distribution o QTY :param bb: bins of the cumulative distribution :param QTY_max: the max of QTY is set to QTY_max.

writeClusteringParamFile(type, decade='')[source]

Writes the clustering commands that command the CUTE code, see Alonso et al. 2012 https://arxiv.org/abs/1210.1833 :param type: monopole or angular or ... :param decade: string suffix that is appended if you study different scales (decades) _d1, _d2, _d3 are used for the angular clustering.


Writes the obtained mock catalog for clustering estimation: just ra, dec and redshift.


Writes the obtained with all the columns from the parent lightcone catalog.