Source code for lib_functions_1pt

# data modules
import glob
import sys
import as fits
import os
from os.path import join
import cPickle
import time
# numerical modules
import numpy as n
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.misc import derivative
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# plotting modules
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as p

# mass function theory
from hmf import MassFunction
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import astropy.units as u
cosmoMD = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.77*, Om0=0.307115, Ob0=0.048206)
cosmoDS = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=68.46*, Om0=0.298734, Ob0=0.046961)
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import quad

# Fitting functions
# velocity function
vf = lambda v, A, v0, alpha, beta : n.log10( 10**A * ( 01.+(10**v/10**v0)**(-beta)) * n.e**(- (10**v/10**v0)**(alpha) ) )
vf_ps = lambda v, ps : vf( v, ps[0], ps[1], ps[2], ps[3])
# sheth and tormen function
fnu_ST = lambda nu, A, a, p: A * (2./n.pi)**(0.5) * (a*nu) * ( 1 + (a * nu) **(-2.*p) ) * n.e**( -( a * nu )**2. / 2.) 
log_fnu_ST = lambda logNu, Anorm, a, q : n.log10( fnu_ST(10.**logNu, Anorm, a, q) )
log_fnu_ST_ps = lambda logNu, ps : n.log10( fnu_ST(10.**logNu, ps[0], ps[1], ps[2]) )

p_ST_despali = [0.333, 0.794, 0.247]
p_ST_sheth = [0.3222, 0.707, 0.3]
p_T08_klypin = [0.224, 1.67, 1.80, 1.48]
p_T08_RP = [0.144, 1.351, 3.113, 1.187]

# tinker function 
fsigma_T08 = lambda sigma, A, a, b, c :  A *(1+ (b/sigma)**a) * n.e**(-c/sigma**2.)
log_fsigma_T08 = lambda  logsigma, A, a, b, c :  n.log10(A *(1+ (b/(10**logsigma))**a) * n.e**(-c/(10**logsigma)**2.))
log_fsigma_T08_ps = lambda logsigma, ps : log_fsigma_T08(logsigma, ps[0], ps[1], ps[2], ps[3])

#fnu_SMT = lambda nu, Anorm, a, q : Anorm * (2./n.pi)**(0.5) * (a*nu) * ( 1 + (a*nu) **(-2*q) ) * n.e**( - (a*nu)**2. / 2.) # 
#fnu_SMT = lambda nu, Anorm, a, q : Anorm *a * (2.*n.pi)**(-0.5) *  ( 1 + (a**2*nu) **(-q) ) * n.e**( - a**2*nu / 2.)
#log_fnu_ST01 = lambda logNu, Anorm, a, q : n.log10( fnu_SMT(10.**logNu, Anorm, a, q) )
#log_fnu_ST01_ps = lambda logNu, ps : n.log10( fnu_SMT(10.**logNu, ps[0], ps[1], ps[2]) )

delta_c = 1.686
sigma = n.arange(0.05,10,0.05)
X = n.arange(-0.6, 0.5, 0.01) #n.log10(1./sigma)
sigma = 10**-X 

#f_dsp_nu = lambda nu, A, a, p: A* (a / (nu * 2 * n.pi))**(0.5) * ( 1 + 1. / (a*nu) **p ) * n.e**( - a * nu / 2.)
#nufnu_dsp = lambda nu, A, a, p: A* ((2 * a * nu) / ( n.pi))**(0.5) * ( 1 + (a*nu) **(-p) ) * n.e**( - a * nu / 2.)
# nu = (delta_c/sigma)**2.

f_T08 = lambda sigma, A, a, b, c : A*( (sigma/b)**(-a) + 1 )*n.e**(-c/sigma**2.)
f_ST = lambda sigma, A, a, p: A* (2./n.pi)**(0.5) * ( 1 + (sigma**2./(a**delta_c*2.))**(p) )*(delta_c*a**0.5/sigma)*n.e**(-a*delta_c**2./(2.*sigma**2.))
f_BH = lambda sigma, A, a, p, q: A* (2./n.pi)**(0.5) * ( 1 + (sigma**2./(a**delta_c*2.))**(p) )*(delta_c*a**0.5/sigma)**(q)*n.e**(-a*delta_c**2./(2.*sigma**2.))
b_BH = lambda sigma, a, p, q:  1 + (a*(delta_c/sigma)**2. - q) / delta_c + (2*p/delta_c)/(1 + (a*(delta_c/sigma)**2.))**p

ftT08 = f_T08(sigma, 0.186, 1.47, 2.57, 1.19) 
ftSk14 = f_T08(sigma, 0.18587, 1.46690, 2.57110, 1.19396)
ftK16 = f_T08(sigma, 0.224, 1.67, 1.80, 1.48) 
ftA12 = f_T08 (sigma, 0.201, 1.7, 2.08, 1.172)
ftW13 = f_T08 (sigma, 0.282, 2.163, 1.406, 1.21)
ftST01 = f_ST(sigma, 0.3222, 0.707, 0.3)
#ftD16 = f_dsp(sigma, 0.287, 0.903, 0.322 )
ftC16 = f_T08(sigma, 0.12, 1.19, 3.98, 1.35)
ftC16st = f_dsp(sigma, 0.2906, 0.8962, 0.1935 )
ftC16 = f_BH(sigma, 0.28074, 0.90343, 0.64031, 1.69561)

ftC16st = f_ST(sigma, 0.31704, 0.81869, 0.11821)
ftC16st_sat = f_ST(sigma, 0.04235, 1.70219, 0.83118)

ftD16 = f_ST(sigma, 0.333, 0.794, 0.247 )
ftRP16 = f_T08 (sigma, 0.144, 1.351, 3.113, 1.187)
ftT08 = f_T08(sigma, 0.200, 1.47, 2.57, 1.19) # 300 at z=0
#ftST01 = f_ST(sigma, 0.3222, 0.707, 0.3)
ftST02 = f_ST(sigma, 0.3222, 0.75, 0.3)
ftBH11 = f_BH(sigma, 0.333, 0.788, 0.807, 1.795)

mSelection = lambda data, qty, logNpmin : (data["log_"+qty]>data["logMpart"]+logNpmin)

vSelection = lambda data, qty, limits_04, limits_10, limits_25, limits_40 : ((data["boxLengthComoving"]==400.)&(data[qty+"_min"]>limits_04[0]) &(data[qty+"_max"]<limits_04[1])) | ((data["boxLengthComoving"]==1000.)&(data[qty+"_min"]>limits_10[0]) &(data[qty+"_max"]<limits_10[1])) |  ((data["boxLengthComoving"]==2500.)&(data[qty+"_min"]>limits_25[0]) &(data[qty+"_max"]<limits_25[1])) |  ((data["boxLengthComoving"]==4000.)&(data[qty+"_min"]>limits_40[0])&(data[qty+"_max"]<limits_40[1])) 

zSelection = lambda data, zmin, zmax : (data["redshift"]>zmin)&(data["redshift"]<zmax)

nSelection = lambda data, NminCount, cos : (data['dN_counts_'+cos]>NminCount)


[docs]def plot_mvir_function_data(log_mvir, logsigM1, logNu, log_MF, log_MF_c, redshift, zmin, zmax, cos = "cen", figName="", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'])): """ :param log_mvir: x coordinates :param log_VF: y coordinates :param redshift: color coordinate :param zmin: minimum redshift :param zmax: maximum redshift :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param figName: string to be added to the figure name. Default:="" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'mvir' """ # now the plots p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(logsigM1, log_MF, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") sigs = n.arange(-0.5,.6, 0.01) #p.plot(X, n.log10(ftT08), 'k--', label='T08', lw=2) p.plot(X, n.log10(ftC16), 'k--', label='fit', lw=2) #p.plot(X, n.log10(ftBH11), 'g--', label='B11', lw=2) #p.plot(X, n.log10(ftC16), 'r--', label='this work', lw=2) p.xlabel(r'$log_{10}(\sigma^{-1})$') p.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}\left[ \frac{M}{\rho_m} \frac{dn}{d\ln M} \left|\frac{d\ln M }{d\ln \sigma}\right|\right] $') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-3.5,0)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data-xSigma.png")) p.clf() p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(logNu, log_MF, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") nus = n.arange(-0.3,1., 0.05) #p.plot(nus, log_fnu_ST_ps(nus, p_ST_despali), 'k--', label='Despali 16') #p.plot(nus, log_fnu_ST_ps(nus, p_ST_sheth), 'b--', label='Sheth 01') p.xlabel(r'$ln(\nu)$') p.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}\left[ \frac{M}{\rho_m} \frac{dn}{d\ln M} \left|\frac{d\ln M }{d\ln \sigma}\right|\right] $') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-3.5,0)) p.xlim((-0.3, 0.8)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data-xNu.png")) p.clf() """ p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(log_mvir, log_MF, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[M_{vir}/(h^{-1}M_\odot)]$') p.ylabel(r'log$_{10} (M^2/\rho_m) dn(M)/dM$') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-4.5,-1)) p.xlim((9.5,16)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data-xMass.png")) p.clf() p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(logsigM1, log_MF, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'$ln(\sigma^{-1})$') p.ylabel(r'log$_{10} (M^2/\rho_m) dn(M)/dM$') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-4.5,-1)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data-xSigma.png")) p.clf() p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(log_mvir, log_MF_c, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[M_{vir}/(h^{-1}M_\odot)]$') p.ylabel(r'log$_{10} (M^2/\rho_m) n(>M)$') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-4.5,-1)) p.xlim((9.5,16)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+figName+cos+"-cumulative-function-data-xMass.png")) p.clf() """
[docs]def plot_mvir_function_data_perBox(log_mvir, log_VF, MD04, MD10, MD25, MD25NW, MD40, MD40NW, cos = "cen", figName="", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'])): """ :param log_mvir: x coordinates :param log_VF: y coordinates :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param figName: string to be added to the figure name. Default:="" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'mvir' """ p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) p.plot(log_mvir[MD04], log_VF[MD04],marker='1',label="MD04",ls='') p.plot(log_mvir[MD10], log_VF[MD10],marker='2',label="MD10",ls='') p.plot(log_mvir[MD25], log_VF[MD25],marker='|',label="MD25",ls='') p.plot(log_mvir[MD40], log_VF[MD40],marker='_',label="MD40",ls='') p.plot(log_mvir[MD25NW], log_VF[MD25NW],marker='+',label="MD25NW",ls='') p.plot(log_mvir[MD40NW], log_VF[MD40NW],marker='x',label="MD40NW",ls='') p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[M_{vir}/(M_\odot)]$') p.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}\left[ \frac{M}{\rho_m} \frac{dn}{d\ln M} \left|\frac{d\ln M }{d\ln \sigma}\right|\right] $') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-4.5,0)) p.xlim((9.5,16)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data-perBox.png")) p.clf()
[docs]def plot_mvir_function_jackknife_poisson_error(x, y, MD04, MD10, MD25, MD25NW, MD40, MD40NW, cos = "cen", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'])): """ :param x: x coordinates :param y: y coordinates :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'mvir' """ p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) p.plot(x, y, 'ko', label='all', alpha=0.01) p.plot(x[MD04], y[MD04],marker='x',label="MD04",ls='') p.plot(x[MD10], y[MD10],marker='+',label="MD10",ls='') p.plot(x[MD25], y[MD25],marker='^',label="MD25",ls='') p.plot(x[MD40], y[MD40],marker='v',label="MD40",ls='') p.plot(x[MD25NW], y[MD25NW],marker='^',label="MD25NW",ls='') p.plot(x[MD40NW], y[MD40NW],marker='v',label="MD40NW",ls='') xx = n.logspace(-4,0,20) p.plot(xx, xx*3., ls='--', label='y=3x') #p.axhline(Npmin**-0.5, c='r', ls='--', label='min counts cut')#r'$1/\sqrt{10^3}$') #p.axhline((10**6.87)**-0.5, c='k', ls='--', label='min mvir cut')#r'$1/\sqrt{10^{4.87}}$') #p.xlim((2e-4,4e-1)) #p.ylim((2e-4,4e-1)) p.ylabel(r'$1/\sqrt{count} \; [\%]$') p.xlabel(r'Jackknife Resampling Error [%]') p.yscale('log') p.xscale('log') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-jackknife-countsSqrt.png")) p.clf()
[docs]def plot_mvir_function_data_error(log_mvir, error, redshift, label, zmin, zmax, cos = "cen", figName="mvir-cen-data04-uncertainty.png", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'])): """ :param log_mvir: x coordinates :param error: y coordinates :param redshift: color coordinate :param label: label in the caption :param zmin: minimum redshift :param zmax: maximum redshift :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param figName: string to be added to the figure name. Default:="" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'mvir' """ p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(log_mvir, 100*error, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label=label, rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[V_{max}/(km \; s^{-1})]$') p.ylabel(r'JK relative error [%]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((2e-2,30)) #p.xlim((1.5, 3.5)) p.yscale('log') p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,figName)) p.clf()
[docs]def fit_mvir_function_z0(data, x_data, y_data , y_err, p0, tolerance = 0.03, cos = "cen", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'])): """ Fits a function to the mvir data :param data: data table of the selected points for the fit :param x_data: x coordinate :param y_data: y coordinate :param y_err: error :param p0: first guess :param tolerance: percentage error tolerance to compute how many points are outside of the fit :param cos: central or satelitte :param mode: fitting mode, "curve_fit" or "minimize" :param dir: working dir :param qty: mvir here :return: result of the fit: best parameter array and covariance matrix produces a plot of the residuals """ pOpt, pCov=curve_fit(log_fnu_ST, x_data, y_data, p0, y_err, maxfev=500000)#, bounds=boundaries) print "best params=", pOpt print "err=", pCov.diagonal()**0.5 x_model = n.arange(n.min(x_data),n.max(x_data),0.005) y_model = log_fnu_ST(x_model, pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2]) n.savetxt(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-differential-function-z0-model-pts.txt"),n.transpose([x_model, y_model]) ) outfile=open(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-diff-function-z0-params.pkl"), 'w') cPickle.dump([pOpt, pCov], outfile) outfile.close() f_diff = y_data - log_fnu_ST(x_data, pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2]) MD_sel_fun=lambda name : (data["boxName"]==name) MDnames= n.array(['M04', 'M10', 'M25','M40','M25n','M40n']) MDsels=n.array([MD_sel_fun(name) for name in MDnames]) f_diff_fun = lambda MDs: y_data[MDs] - log_fnu_ST(x_data[MDs], pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2]) f_diffs = n.array([f_diff_fun(MD) for MD in MDsels]) print "================================" # now the plots p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) for index, fd in enumerate(f_diffs): inTol = (abs(10**fd-1)<tolerance) print index if len(fd)>0: p.errorbar(x_data[MDsels[index]], 10**fd, yerr = y_err[MDsels[index]] , rasterized=True, fmt='none', label=MDnames[index]) print len(inTol.nonzero()[0]), len(fd), 100.*len(inTol.nonzero()[0])/ len(fd) p.axhline(1.01,c='k',ls='--',label=r'syst $\pm1\%$') p.axhline(0.99,c='k',ls='--') p.xlabel(r'$log_{10}(\nu)$') p.ylabel(r'data/model') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) #p.xlim((-0.7,0.6)) p.ylim((0.92,1.08)) #p.yscale('log') p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"fit-"+cos+"-differential-function-residual-log.png")) p.clf() return pOpt, pCov
[docs]def plot_jackknife_poisson_error(x, y, MD04, MD10, MD25, MD25NW, MD40, MD40NW, DS80, cos = "cen", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'])): """ :param x: x coordinates :param y: y coordinates :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'vmax' """ p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) p.plot(x, y, 'k,', label='all', alpha=0.5) p.plot(x[MD04], y[MD04],marker='x',label="MD04",ls='') p.plot(x[MD10], y[MD10],marker='+',label="MD10",ls='') p.plot(x[MD25], y[MD25],marker='^',label="MD25",ls='') p.plot(x[MD40], y[MD40],marker='v',label="MD40",ls='') p.plot(x[MD25NW], y[MD25NW],marker='1',label="MD25NW",ls='') p.plot(x[MD40NW], y[MD40NW],marker='2',label="MD40NW",ls='') p.plot(x[DS80], y[DS80],marker='3',label="DS80",ls='') xx = n.logspace(-4,0,20) p.plot(xx, xx*3., ls='--', label='y=3x') #p.axhline(Npmin**-0.5, c='r', ls='--', label='min counts cut')#r'$1/\sqrt{10^3}$') #p.axhline((10**6.87)**-0.5, c='k', ls='--', label='min vmax cut')#r'$1/\sqrt{10^{4.87}}$') p.xlim((1e-4,1)) p.ylim((1e-4,1)) p.ylabel(r'$1/\sqrt{count} \; [\%]$') p.xlabel(r'Jackknife Resampling Error [%]') p.yscale('log') p.xscale('log') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"jackknife-countsSqrt-"+cos+".png")) p.clf()
[docs]def fit_mvir_function_zTrend(data, x_data, y_data, z_data , y_err, ps0=[0., 0., 0.], tolerance = 0.03, cos = "cen", mode = "curve_fit", dir=join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR']), zmin=0, zmax=2.5): """ Fits a function to the mvir data :param data: data table of the selected points for the fit :param x_data: x coordinate :param y_data: y coordinate :param z_data: redshift coordinate :param y_err: error :param ps0: first guess :param tolerance: percentage error tolerance to compute how many points are outside of the fit :param cos: central or satelitte :param mode: fitting mode, "curve_fit" or "minimize" :param dir: working dir :param qty: mvir here :return: result of the fit: best parameter array and covariance matrix produces a plot of the residuals """ outfile=open(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-diff-function-z0-params.pkl"), 'r') pOpt, pCov = cPickle.load(outfile) outfile.close() A0, a0, p0 = pOpt Az = lambda z, A1 : A0+z*A1 az = lambda z, a1 : a0+z*a1 pz = lambda z, p1 : p0+z*p1 delta_c=1.686 Anorm0=0.333 fnu_SMT = lambda nu, Anorm, a, q : Anorm * (2./n.pi)**(0.5) * (a*nu) * ( 1 + (a*nu) **(-2*q) ) * n.e**( - (a*nu)**2. / 2.) log_fnu_ST01 = lambda logNu, Anorm, a, q : n.log10( fnu_SMT(10.**logNu, Anorm, a, q) ) log_fnu_ST01_ps = lambda logSigma, ps : n.log10( fnu_SMT(10.**logNu, ps[0], ps[1], ps[2]) ) f_SMT_z = lambda sigma, z, A1, a1, p1: Az(z, A1) * (2.*az(z, a1)/n.pi)**(0.5) * ( 1 + ((delta_c/sigma)**2./az(z, a1)) **(pz(z, p1)) ) * n.e**( - az(z, a1) * (delta_c/sigma)**2. / 2.) * (delta_c/sigma) log_f_ST01_zt_ps = lambda logSigma, z, ps : n.log10( f_SMT_z(10.**logSigma, z, ps[0], ps[1], ps[2]) ) print "mode: minimize" chi2fun = lambda ps : n.sum( (log_f_ST01_zt_ps(x_data, z_data, ps) - y_data)**2. / (y_err)**2. )/(len(y_data) - len(ps0)) res = minimize(chi2fun, ps0, method='Powell',options={'xtol': 1e-8, 'disp': True, 'maxiter' : 5000000000000}) pOpt = res.x pCov = res.direc print "best params=",pOpt print "err=",pCov.diagonal()**0.5 #x_model = n.arange(n.min(x_data),n.max(x_data),0.005) #y_model = log_f_ST01_zt_ps(x_model, pOpt) #n.savetxt(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-differential-function-zTrend-model-pts.txt"),n.transpose([x_model, y_model]) ) outfile=open(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-diff-function-zTrend-params.pkl"), 'w') cPickle.dump([pOpt, pCov], outfile) outfile.close() f_diff = y_data - log_f_ST01_zt_ps(x_data, z_data, pOpt) MD_sel_fun=lambda name : (data["boxName"]==name) MDnames= n.array(['M04', 'M10', 'M25','M40','M25n','M40n']) MDsels=n.array([MD_sel_fun(name) for name in MDnames]) f_diff_fun = lambda MDs: y_data[MDs] - log_f_ST01_zt_ps(x_data[MDs], z_data[MDs], pOpt) f_diffs = n.array([f_diff_fun(MD) for MD in MDsels]) print "================================" # now the plots p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) for index, fd in enumerate(f_diffs): inTol = (abs(10**fd-1)<tolerance) print index if len(fd)>0: p.errorbar(x_data[MDsels[index]], 10**fd, yerr = y_err[MDsels[index]] , rasterized=True, fmt='none', label=MDnames[index]) print len(inTol.nonzero()[0]), len(fd), 100.*len(inTol.nonzero()[0])/ len(fd) p.axhline(1.01,c='k',ls='--',label=r'syst $\pm1\%$') p.axhline(0.99,c='k',ls='--') p.xlabel(r'$log_{10}(\sigma)$') p.ylabel(r'data/model') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) #p.xlim((-0.7,0.6)) p.ylim((0.9,1.1)) #p.yscale('log') p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-differential-function-fit-ztrend-residual-log.png")) p.clf() p.figure(1,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(x_data, log_f_ST01_zt_ps(x_data, z_data, pOpt), c=z_data, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" model", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'$log_{10}(\sigma)$') p.ylabel(r'model Mvir Function') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"mvir-"+cos+"-differential-function-fit-ztrend-model.png")) p.clf() return pOpt, pCov
[docs]def plot_vmax_function_data_error(log_vmax, error, redshift, label, zmin, zmax, cos = "cen", figName="vmax-cen-data04-uncertainty.png", dir=join(os.environ['VMAX_DIR'])): """ :param log_vmax: x coordinates :param error: y coordinates :param redshift: color coordinate :param label: label in the caption :param zmin: minimum redshift :param zmax: maximum redshift :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param figName: string to be added to the figure name. Default:="" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'vmax' """ p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(log_vmax, 100*error, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label=label, rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[V_{max}/(km \; s^{-1})]$') p.ylabel(r'JK relative error [%]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((2e-2,30)) #p.xlim((1.5, 3.5)) p.yscale('log') p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,figName)) p.clf()
[docs]def plot_vmax_function_data(log_vmax, log_VF, log_VF_c, redshift, zmin, zmax, cos = "cen", figName="", dir=join(os.environ['VMAX_DIR'])): """ :param log_vmax: x coordinates :param log_VF: y coordinates :param redshift: color coordinate :param zmin: minimum redshift :param zmax: maximum redshift :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param figName: string to be added to the figure name. Default:="" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'vmax' """ # now the plots p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(log_vmax, log_VF, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[V_{max}/(km \; s^{-1})]$') p.ylabel(r'log$_{10} [V^3/H^3(z)\; dn(V)/dlnV]$') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) p.ylim((-5.5,0)) #p.xlim((1.5, 3.5)) #p.ylim((-3.5,-1)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"vmax-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data.png")) p.clf() p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) sc1=p.scatter(log_vmax, log_VF_c, c=redshift, s=5, marker='o',label="MD "+cos+" data", rasterized=True, vmin=zmin, vmax = zmax) sc1.set_edgecolor('face') cb = p.colorbar(shrink=0.8) cb.set_label("redshift") p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[V_{max}/(km \; s^{-1})]$') p.ylabel(r'log$_{10} [V^3/H^3(z)\; n(>V)]$') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) #p.ylim((-8,1)) #p.xlim((1.5, 3.5)) #p.yscale('log') p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"vmax-"+figName+cos+"-cumulative-function-data.png")) p.clf()
[docs]def plot_vmax_function_data_perBox(log_vmax, log_VF, log_VF_c, MD04, MD10, MD25, MD25NW, MD40, MD40NW, cos = "cen", figName="", dir=join(os.environ['VMAX_DIR'])): """ :param log_vmax: x coordinates :param log_VF: y coordinates :param cos: centra or satelitte. Default: "cen" :param figName: string to be added to the figure name. Default:="" :param dir: working directory. :param qty: quantity studied. Default: 'vmax' """ # now the plots p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) p.plot(log_vmax[MD04], log_VF[MD04],marker='1',label="MD04",ls='') p.plot(log_vmax[MD10], log_VF[MD10],marker='2',label="MD10",ls='') p.plot(log_vmax[MD25], log_VF[MD25],marker='|',label="MD25",ls='') p.plot(log_vmax[MD40], log_VF[MD40],marker='_',label="MD40",ls='') p.plot(log_vmax[MD25NW], log_VF[MD25NW],marker='+',label="MD25NW",ls='') p.plot(log_vmax[MD40NW], log_VF[MD40NW],marker='x',label="MD40NW",ls='') p.xlabel(r'log$_{10}[V_{max}/(km \; s^{-1})]$') p.ylabel(r'log$_{10} [(V^3/H^3(z)\; dn(V)/dlnV]$') # log$_{10}[ n(>M)]') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) #p.ylim((-8,1)) #p.xlim((1.5, 3.5)) p.ylim((-5.5,0)) p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"vmax-"+figName+cos+"-differential-function-data-perBox.png")) p.clf()
[docs]def fit_vmax_function_z0(data, x_data, y_data , y_err, p0, tolerance = 0.03, cos = "cen", mode = "curve_fit", dir=join(os.environ['VMAX_DIR']), suffix='0'): """ Fits a function to the vmax data :param data: data table of the selected points for the fit :param x_data: x coordinate :param y_data: y coordinate :param y_err: error :param p0: first guess :param tolerance: percentage error tolerance to compute how many points are outside of the fit :param cos: central or satelitte :param mode: fitting mode, "curve_fit" or "minimize" :param dir: working dir :param qty: vmax here :return: result of the fit: best parameter array and covariance matrix produces a plot of the residuals """ chi2fun = lambda ps : n.sum( (vf_ps(x_data, ps) - y_data)**2. / (y_err)**2. )/(len(y_data) - len(ps)) if mode == "curve_fit": print "mode: curve_fit" pOpt, pCov=curve_fit(vf, x_data, y_data, p0, y_err, maxfev=500000000)#, bounds=boundaries) print "best params=",pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2], pOpt[3] print "err=",pCov[0][0]**0.5, pCov[1][1]**0.5, pCov[2][2]**0.5, pCov[3][3]**0.5 print "Rchi2, ndof, chi2", chi2fun(pOpt), len(x_data)-len(pOpt), chi2fun(pOpt)*( len(x_data)-len(pOpt) ) if mode == "minimize": print "mode: minimize" res = minimize(chi2fun, p0, method='Powell',options={'xtol': 1e-8, 'disp': True, 'maxiter' : 5000000000000}) pOpt = res.x pCov = res.direc print "best params=",pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2], pOpt[3] print "err=",pCov[0][0]**0.5, pCov[1][1]**0.5, pCov[2][2]**0.5, pCov[3][3]**0.5 print "Rchi2, ndof, chi2", chi2fun(pOpt), len(x_data)-len(pOpt), chi2fun(pOpt)*( len(x_data)-len(pOpt) ) x_model = n.arange(n.min(x_data),n.max(x_data),0.005) y_model = vf(x_model, pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2], pOpt[3]) n.savetxt(join(dir,"vmax-"+cos+"-differential-function-z0-model-pts.txt"),n.transpose([x_model, y_model]) ) outfile=open(join(dir,"vmax-"+cos+"-diff-function-params-"+suffix+".pkl"), 'w') cPickle.dump([pOpt, pCov], outfile) outfile.close() f_diff = y_data - vf(x_data, pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2], pOpt[3]) MD_sel_fun=lambda name : (data["boxName"]==name) MDnames= n.array(['M04', 'M10', 'M25','M40','M25n','M40n']) MDsels=n.array([MD_sel_fun(name) for name in MDnames]) f_diff_fun = lambda MDs: y_data[MDs] - vf(x_data[MDs], pOpt[0], pOpt[1], pOpt[2], pOpt[3]) f_diffs = n.array([f_diff_fun(MD) for MD in MDsels]) print "================================" # now the plots p.figure(0,(6,6)) p.axes([0.17,0.17,0.75,0.75]) for index, fd in enumerate(f_diffs): inTol = (abs(10**fd-1)<tolerance) print index if len(fd)>0: p.errorbar(x_data[MDsels[index]], 10**fd, yerr = y_err[MDsels[index]] , rasterized=True, fmt='none', label=MDnames[index]) print len(inTol.nonzero()[0]), len(fd), 100.*len(inTol.nonzero()[0])/ len(fd) p.axhline(1.01,c='k',ls='--',label=r'syst $\pm1\%$') p.axhline(0.99,c='k',ls='--') p.xlabel(r'$log(V_{max})$') p.ylabel(r'data/model') gl = p.legend(loc=0,fontsize=10) gl.set_frame_on(False) #p.xlim((-0.7,0.6)) p.ylim((0.8,1.2)) #p.yscale('log') p.grid() p.savefig(join(dir,"vmax-"+cos+"-differential-function-fit-residual-log.png")) p.clf() return pOpt, pCov
[docs]def getStat(file,volume,unitVolume): """ From the pickle file output by the Multidark class, we output the number counts (differential and cumulative) per unit volume per mass bin. :param file: filename :param volume: total volume of the box :param unitVolume: sub volume used in the jackknife :return: Number counts, cumulative number counts, count density, cumulative count density, jackknife mean, jackknife std, cumulative jackknife mean, cumulative jackknife std """ # print file data=cPickle.load(open(file,'r')) data_c = n.array([n.array([ n.sum(el[ii:]) for ii in range(len(el)) ]) for el in data]) Ncounts = data.sum(axis=0) Ncounts_c = data_c.sum(axis=0) # n.array([ n.sum(Ncounts[ii:]) for ii in range(len(Ncounts)) ]) Nall = Ncounts / volume Nall_c = Ncounts_c / volume index=n.arange(int(data.shape[0])) n.random.shuffle( index ) Ntotal = int(data.shape[0]) # discard 100 def get_mean_std( pcDiscard = 0.1): """ retrieves the mean and std from the jackknife :param pcDiscard:percentage to discard for the jackknife :return: mean, std, cumulative mean90 and cumulative std """ Ndiscard = Ntotal * pcDiscard resamp = n.arange(0,Ntotal+1, Ndiscard) N90 = n.array([n.sum(data[n.delete(n.arange(Ntotal), index[resamp[i]:resamp[i+1]])], axis=0) for i in range(len(resamp)-1)]) / (unitVolume*(Ntotal - Ndiscard) ) mean90 = n.mean(N90, axis=0) std90 = n.std(N90, axis=0) / mean90 N90_c = n.array([n.sum(data_c[n.delete(n.arange(Ntotal), index[resamp[i]:resamp[i+1]])], axis=0) for i in range(len(resamp)-1)]) / (unitVolume*(Ntotal - Ndiscard) ) mean90_c = n.mean(N90_c, axis=0) std90_c = n.std(N90_c, axis=0) / mean90_c return mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c = get_mean_std(0.1) #mean99, std99, mean99_c, std99_c = getMS(0.01) #sel = Nall>1/volume #print std99[sel]/std90[sel] #print mean90[sel]/mean99[sel] #print Nall[sel]/mean99[sel] #print Nall[sel]/mean90[sel] return Ncounts, Ncounts_c, Nall, Nall_c, mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c
[docs]def get_hf(sigma_val=0.8228, boxRedshift=0., delta_wrt='mean'): """ Halo mass function model for the MultiDark simulation. """ #hf0 = MassFunction(cosmo_model=cosmo, sigma_8=sigma_val, z=boxRedshift) omega = lambda zz: cosmoMD.Om0*(1+zz)**3. / cosmoMD.efunc(zz)**2 DeltaVir_bn98 = lambda zz : (18.*n.pi**2. + 82.*(omega(zz)-1)- 39.*(omega(zz)-1)**2.)/omega(zz) print "DeltaVir", DeltaVir_bn98(boxRedshift), " at z",boxRedshift hf1 = MassFunction(cosmo_model=cosmoMD, sigma_8=sigma_val, z=boxRedshift, delta_h=DeltaVir_bn98(boxRedshift), delta_wrt=delta_wrt, Mmin=7, Mmax=16.5) return hf1
[docs]def get_hf_ds(sigma_val=0.8355, boxRedshift=0., delta_wrt='mean'): """ Halo mass function model for the Darkskies simulation. """ #hf0 = MassFunction(cosmo_model=cosmo, sigma_8=sigma_val, z=boxRedshift) omega = lambda zz: cosmoDS.Om0*(1+zz)**3. / cosmoDS.efunc(zz)**2 DeltaVir_bn98 = lambda zz : (18.*n.pi**2. + 82.*(omega(zz)-1)- 39.*(omega(zz)-1)**2.)/omega(zz) print "DeltaVir", DeltaVir_bn98(boxRedshift), " at z",boxRedshift hf1 = MassFunction(cosmo_model=cosmoDS, sigma_8=sigma_val, z=boxRedshift, delta_h=DeltaVir_bn98(boxRedshift), delta_wrt=delta_wrt, Mmin=7, Mmax=16.5) return hf1
[docs]def get_basic_info(fileC, boxZN, delta_wrt='mean'): """ For a HMF measurement, this function returns all the basic information about the simulation used: - a HMF model with the corrected sigma8 value: hf, - size of the box: boxLength, boxLengthComoving - name of the simulation used later when writing results boxName - the redshiftof the measured HMF: boxRedshift, 7 - the logmass of one particle: logmp, - correction to the mass measured due to force resolution: massCorrection """ if fileC.find('MD_0.4Gpc')>0: boxName='MD_0.4Gpc' nSN, aSN = n.loadtxt(join(os.environ['MD04_DIR'],"redshift-list.txt"), unpack=True, dtype={'names': ('nSN', 'aSN'), 'formats': ('i4', 'f4')}) conversion = dict(n.transpose([ nSN, 1/aSN-1 ])) boxRedshift = conversion[boxZN] hf = get_hf(0.8228*0.953**0.5, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) logmp = n.log10(9.63 * 10**7/cosmoMD.h) boxLength = 400./cosmoMD.h/cosmoMD.efunc(boxRedshift) massCorrection = 1. - 0.0002 boxLengthComoving = 400. elif fileC.find('MD_1Gpc')>0 : boxName='MD_1Gpc' nSN, aSN = n.loadtxt(join(os.environ['MD10_DIR'],"redshift-list.txt"), unpack=True, dtype={'names': ('nSN', 'aSN'), 'formats': ('i4', 'f4')}) conversion = dict(n.transpose([ nSN, 1/aSN-1 ])) boxRedshift = conversion[boxZN] #boxRedshift = 1./boxZN - 1. hf = get_hf(0.8228*1.004**0.5, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) logmp = n.log10(1.51 * 10**9/cosmoMD.h) boxLength = 1000./cosmoMD.h/cosmoMD.efunc(boxRedshift) massCorrection = 1. - 0.0005 boxLengthComoving = 1000. elif fileC.find('MD_2.5GpcNW')>0 : boxName='MD_2.5GpcNW' nSN, aSN = n.loadtxt(join(os.environ['MD25NW_DIR'],"redshift-list.txt"), unpack=True, dtype={'names': ('nSN', 'aSN'), 'formats': ('i4', 'f4')}) conversion = dict(n.transpose([ nSN, 1/aSN-1 ])) boxRedshift = conversion[boxZN] hf = get_hf(0.8228*1.01**0.5, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) hz = 1.# hf.cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. logmp = n.log10(2.359 * 10**10/cosmoMD.h ) boxLength = 2500./cosmoMD.h/cosmoMD.efunc(boxRedshift) massCorrection = 1. - 0.001 boxLengthComoving = 2500. elif fileC.find('MD_4GpcNW')>0 : boxName='MD_4GpcNW' nSN, redshift40, aSN = n.loadtxt(join(os.environ['MD40NW_DIR'],"redshift-list.txt"), unpack=True, dtype={'names': ('nSN', 'redshift', 'aSN'), 'formats': ('i4', 'f4', 'f4')}) conversion = dict(n.transpose([ nSN, redshift40 ])) boxRedshift = conversion[boxZN] hf = get_hf(0.8228*1.008**0.5, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) hz = 1.# hf.cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. logmp = n.log10(9.6 * 10**10/cosmoMD.h ) boxLength = 4000./cosmoMD.h/cosmoMD.efunc(boxRedshift) boxLengthComoving = 4000. massCorrection = 1. - 0.003 elif fileC.find('MD_2.5Gpc')>0 : boxName='MD_2.5Gpc' nSN, aSN, redshift25 = n.loadtxt(join(os.environ['MD25_DIR'],"redshift-list.txt"), unpack=True, dtype={'names': ('nSN', 'aSN', 'redshift'), 'formats': ('i4', 'f4', 'f4')}) conversion = dict(n.transpose([ nSN, redshift25 ])) boxRedshift = conversion[boxZN] hf = get_hf(0.8228*1.01**0.5, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) hz = 1.# hf.cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. logmp = n.log10(2.359 * 10**10/cosmoMD.h) boxLength = 2500./cosmoMD.h/cosmoMD.efunc(boxRedshift) boxLengthComoving = 2500. massCorrection = 1. - 0.001 elif fileC.find('MD_4Gpc')>0 : boxName='MD_4Gpc' nSN, redshift40, aSN = n.loadtxt(join(os.environ['MD40_DIR'],"redshift-list.txt"), unpack=True, dtype={'names': ('nSN', 'redshift', 'aSN'), 'formats': ('i4', 'f4', 'f4')}) conversion = dict(n.transpose([ nSN, redshift40 ])) boxRedshift = conversion[boxZN] hf = get_hf(0.8228*1.008**0.5, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) hz = 1.# hf.cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. logmp = n.log10(9.6 * 10**10 /cosmoMD.h ) boxLength = 4000./cosmoMD.h/cosmoMD.efunc(boxRedshift) boxLengthComoving = 4000. massCorrection = 1. - 0.003 elif fileC.find('ds14_0')>0 : boxName='DS_8Gpc' boxRedshift = 0. hf = get_hf_ds(0.8355, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) # hf_ref = get_hf(0.8228, boxRedshift, delta_wrt=delta_wrt) hz = 1.# hf.cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. logmp = n.log10(9.6 * 10**10 /cosmoDS.h ) boxLength = 8000./cosmoMD.h/cosmoDS.efunc(boxRedshift) boxLengthComoving = 8000. massCorrection = 1. #- 0.003 return hf, boxLength, boxName, boxRedshift, logmp, boxLengthComoving, massCorrection
[docs]def convert_pkl_mass(fileC, fileS, binFile, qty='mvir', delta_wrt='mean'): """ Creates a fits file with each measurements made. It linksglobal parameters to the HMF values. :param qty: one point function variable.Default: mvir. :param fileC: file with the central halo statistics :param fileS: file with the satelitte halo statistics :param binFile: file with the bins :return: a fits table containing the one point function histograms """ #print "qty", qty boxZN = float(os.path.basename(fileC).split('_')[1]) #print boxZN extraName = os.path.basename(fileS)[:-27] hf, boxLength, boxName, boxRedshift, logmp, boxLengthComoving, massCorrection = get_basic_info(fileC, boxZN, delta_wrt='mean') #print boxName bins = n.log10( 10**n.loadtxt(binFile) * massCorrection ) #bins = n.log10( 10**bins_in / hz ) #bins = n.loadtxt(binFile) logmass = ( bins[1:] + bins[:-1] )/2. mass = 10**logmass dX = ( 10**bins[1:] - 10**bins[:-1] ) #dlnbin = dX / mass dlnbin = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1])*n.log(10) #print dX / mass, dlnbin #selects meaningful masses 10 times particle mass ok = (logmass > logmp+1.0)&(logmass<16.1) #print "bins", len(bins), bins #print "bins[ok]", len(bins[:-1][ok]), bins[:-1][ok] hz = cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. # m sigma relation using the sigma8 corrected power spectrum m2sigma = interp1d(hf.M, hf.sigma ) sig = m2sigma( mass ) # m nu relation: nu = (delta_c / sigma_m)**2 m2nu = interp1d(hf.M, ) nnu = m2nu( mass ) # jacobian toderive = interp1d(n.log(hf.M), n.log(hf.sigma)) dlnsigmadlnm = derivative(toderive, n.log(mass) ) #normalization by average universedensity at this redshift in the right cosmo rhom_units = cosmoMD.Om(boxRedshift)*cosmoMD.critical_density(boxRedshift).to(u.solMass/(u.Mpc)**3.)#/(cosmoMD.h)**2. # in units (Msun/h) / (Mpc/h)**3 rhom = rhom_units.value # hf.mean_density#/(hz)**2. #print hf.mean_density, rhom / (hf.mean_density*(cosmoMD.h)**2.) col0 = fits.Column( name="boxName",format="14A", array= n.array([boxName for i in range(len(bins[:-1][ok]))])) col1 = fits.Column( name="redshift",format="D", array= boxRedshift * n.ones( len(bins[:-1][ok]) ) ) col1b = fits.Column( name="h",format="D", array= hz * n.ones( len(bins[:-1][ok]) ) ) col2a = fits.Column( name="boxLengthProper",format="D", array= boxLength * n.ones( len(bins[:-1][ok]) ) ) col2b = fits.Column( name="boxLengthComoving",format="D", array= boxLengthComoving * n.ones( len(bins[:-1][ok]) ) ) col3 = fits.Column( name="logMpart",format="D", array= logmp* n.ones( len(bins[:-1][ok]) ) ) col4 = fits.Column( name="rhom",format="D", array= rhom* n.ones( len(bins[:-1][ok]) ) ) #print "bin test", bins[:-1][ok] col5_0 = fits.Column( name="log_"+qty+"_min",format="D", array= bins[:-1][ok] ) col5_1 = fits.Column( name="log_"+qty+"_max",format="D", array= bins[1:][ok] ) col5_2 = fits.Column( name="log_"+qty,format="D", array= logmass[ok]) #print "test2", len( logmass[ok]), logmass[ok] #print "columns", col5_0, col5_1, col5_2 #print "array", col5_0.array, col5_1.array, col5_2.array col5_3 = fits.Column( name="sigmaM",format="D", array= sig[ok] ) col5_4 = fits.Column( name="nu2",format="D", array= nnu[ok])#hf.delta_c/sig ) # hf.growth_factor/ col5_5 = fits.Column( name="dlnsigmaMdlnM",format="D", array= dlnsigmadlnm[ok] ) unitVolume = (boxLength *0.10)**3. # /cosmoMD.H(boxRedshift) volume = (boxLength)**3. Ncounts, Ncounts_c, Nall, Nall_c, mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c = getStat(fileC,volume,unitVolume) col6c = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_cen",format="D", array= Ncounts[ok] ) col6cc = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_cen_c",format="D", array= Ncounts_c[ok]) col7c = fits.Column( name="dNdV_cen",format="D", array= Nall[ok] ) col7cc = fits.Column( name="dNdV_cen_c",format="D", array= Nall_c[ok] ) col8c = fits.Column( name="dNdlnM_cen",format="D", array= Nall[ok]/dlnbin[ok] ) col8cc = fits.Column( name="dNdlnM_cen_c",format="D", array= Nall_c[ok]/dlnbin[ok] ) col9c = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_cen",format="D", array= std90[ok] ) col9cc = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_cen_c",format="D", array= std90_c[ok] ) Ncounts, Ncounts_c, Nall, Nall_c, mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c = getStat(fileS,volume,unitVolume) col6s = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_sat",format="D", array= Ncounts[ok] ) col6sc = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_sat_c",format="D", array= Ncounts_c[ok]) col7s = fits.Column( name="dNdV_sat",format="D", array= Nall[ok] ) col7sc = fits.Column( name="dNdV_sat_c",format="D", array= Nall_c[ok] ) col8s = fits.Column( name="dNdlnM_sat",format="D", array= Nall[ok]/dlnbin[ok] ) col8sc = fits.Column( name="dNdlnM_sat_c",format="D", array= Nall_c[ok] / dlnbin[ok] ) col9s = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_sat",format="D", array= std90[ok] ) col9sc = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_sat_c",format="D", array= std90_c[ok] ) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col0, col1,col1b, col2a, col2b, col3, col4, col5_0, col5_1, col5_2, col5_3, col5_4, col5_5, col6c, col7c, col8c, col9c, col6cc, col7cc, col8cc, col9cc, col6s, col7s, col8s, col9s, col6sc, col7sc, col8sc, col9sc ]) prihdr = fits.Header() prihdr['AUTHOR'] = 'J. Comparat' prihdr['DATE'] = time.time() prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu]) writeName = join(os.environ['MVIR_DIR'], "data", boxName+"_"+str(boxRedshift)+"_"+qty+".fits") print writeName if os.path.isfile(writeName): os.remove(writeName) thdulist.writeto(writeName)
#return hf
[docs]def convert_pkl_massFunction_covarianceMatrix(fileC, binFile, qty='mvir', delta_wrt='mean'):#, gt14=True): """ Return a mass function covariance matrix :param qty: one point function variable.Default: mvir. :param file: file with the central halo statistics :param binFile: file with the bins :return: a fits table containing the one point function histograms """ print fileC boxZN = float(os.path.basename(fileC).split('_')[1]) hf, boxLength, boxName, boxRedshift, logmp, boxLengthComoving, massCorrection = get_basic_info(fileC, boxZN, delta_wrt='mean') bins = n.log10( 10**n.loadtxt(binFile) * massCorrection ) logmass = ( bins[1:] + bins[:-1] )/2. mass = 10**logmass dX = ( 10**bins[1:] - 10**bins[:-1] ) dlnbin = abs((bins[1:] - bins[:-1])*n.log(10)) #selects meaningful masses 10 times particle mass hz = cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. # m sigma relation using the sigma8 corrected power spectrum m2sigma = interp1d(hf.M, hf.sigma ) sig = m2sigma( mass ) # m nu relation: nu = (delta_c / sigma_m)**2 m2nu = interp1d(hf.M, ) nnu = m2nu( mass ) # jacobian toderive = interp1d(n.log(hf.M), n.log(hf.sigma)) dlnsigmadlnm = abs(derivative(toderive, n.log(mass) )) #normalization by average universedensity at this redshift in the right cosmo rhom_units = cosmoMD.Om(boxRedshift)*cosmoMD.critical_density(boxRedshift).to(u.solMass/(u.Mpc)**3.) rhom = rhom_units.value # hf.mean_density#/(hz)**2. unitVolume = (boxLength *0.10)**3. volume = (boxLength)**3. data_i=cPickle.load(open(fileC,'r')) Ncounts_i = data_i.sum(axis=0) ok = (logmass > logmp+3.0)&(logmass<16.1)&(Ncounts_i>10) """ if gt14: ok = (logmass > 13.9)&(logmass<16.1)&(Ncounts_i>10) else: ok = (logmass > logmp+3.0)&(logmass<13.9)&(Ncounts_i>10) """ data = data_i.T[ok].T #print data.shape Ncounts = data.sum(axis=0) #print Ncounts.shape Nall = Ncounts / volume #print Nall.shape dNdlnM = Nall/dlnbin[ok] #print dNdlnM.shape count_matrix = n.outer(Ncounts, Ncounts)/float(data.shape[0]) #print count_matrix.shape dNdlnM_mat = data/unitVolume/dlnbin[ok] #print dNdlnM_mat.shape f_mean = mass[ok] * dNdlnM / rhom / dlnsigmadlnm[ok] #print f_mean.shape f_matrix = mass[ok] * dNdlnM_mat / rhom / dlnsigmadlnm[ok] #print f_matrix.shape #print boxName return [f_mean, f_matrix, count_matrix, sig[ok], mass[ok]], boxName
[docs]def convert_pkl_velocity(fileC, fileS, binFile, qty='vmax'): """ :param qty: one point function variable. Default vmax. :param fileC: file with the central halo statistics :param fileS: file with the satelitte halo statistics :param binFile: file with the bins :param zList_files: list of file with linking snapshot number and redshift :return: a fits table containing the one point function histograms """ print "qty", qty boxZN = float(os.path.basename(fileC).split('_')[1]) print boxZN extraName = os.path.basename(fileS)[:-27] hf, boxLength, boxName, boxRedshift, logmp, boxLengthComoving, massCorrection = get_basic_info(fileC, boxZN, delta_wrt='mean') bins = n.loadtxt(binFile) vmax = ( bins[1:] + bins[:-1] )/2. dX = ( bins[1:] - bins[:-1] ) dlnbin = dX / vmax hz = cosmoMD.H( boxRedshift ).value / 100. rhom_units = cosmoMD.Om(boxRedshift)*cosmoMD.critical_density(boxRedshift).to(u.solMass/(u.Mpc)**3.)#/(cosmoMD.h)**2. # in units (Msun/h) / (Mpc/h)**3 rhom = rhom_units.value col0 = fits.Column( name="boxName",format="14A", array= n.array([boxName for i in range(len(bins[:-1]))])) col1 = fits.Column( name="redshift",format="D", array= boxRedshift * n.ones( len(bins[:-1]) ) ) col1b = fits.Column( name="h",format="D", array= hz * n.ones( len(bins[:-1]) ) ) col2a = fits.Column( name="boxLengthProper",format="D", array= boxLength * n.ones( len(bins[:-1]) ) ) col2b = fits.Column( name="boxLengthComoving",format="D", array= boxLengthComoving * n.ones( len(bins[:-1]) ) ) col3 = fits.Column( name="logMpart",format="D", array= logmp* n.ones( len(bins[:-1]) ) ) col4 = fits.Column( name="rhom",format="D", array= rhom* n.ones( len(bins[:-1]) ) ) col5_0 = fits.Column( name=qty+"_min",format="D", array= bins[:-1] ) col5_1 = fits.Column( name=qty+"_max",format="D", array= bins[1:] ) col5_2 = fits.Column( name=qty, format="D", array= vmax) unitVolume = (boxLength*0.10)**3. volume = (boxLength)**3. Ncounts, Ncounts_c, Nall, Nall_c, mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c = getStat(fileC,volume,unitVolume) col5 = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_cen",format="D", array= Ncounts ) col6 = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_cen_c",format="D", array= Ncounts_c) col7 = fits.Column( name="dNdV_cen",format="D", array= Nall ) col8 = fits.Column( name="dNdV_cen_c",format="D", array= Nall_c ) col9 = fits.Column( name="dNdVdlnV_cen",format="D", array= Nall/dlnbin ) col10 = fits.Column( name="dNdVdlnV_cen_c",format="D", array= Nall_c/dlnbin ) col11 = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_cen",format="D", array= std90 ) col12 = fits.Column( name = "std90_pc_cen_c", format="D", array= std90_c ) Ncounts, Ncounts_c, Nall, Nall_c, mean90, std90, mean90_c, std90_c = getStat(fileS,volume,unitVolume) col5_s = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_sat",format="D", array= Ncounts ) col6_s = fits.Column( name="dN_counts_sat_c",format="D", array= Ncounts_c) col7_s = fits.Column( name="dNdV_sat",format="D", array= Nall ) col8_s = fits.Column( name="dNdV_sat_c",format="D", array= Nall_c ) col9_s = fits.Column( name="dNdVdlnV_sat",format="D", array= Nall/dlnbin ) col10_s = fits.Column( name="dNdVdlnV_sat_c",format="D", array= Nall_c / dlnbin ) col11_s = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_sat",format="D", array= std90 ) col12_s = fits.Column( name="std90_pc_sat_c",format="D", array= std90_c) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col0, col1,col1b, col2a, col2b, col3, col4, col5_0, col5_1, col5_2, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11, col12, col5_s, col6_s, col7_s, col8_s, col9_s, col10_s, col11_s, col12_s]) prihdr = fits.Header() prihdr['AUTHOR'] = 'J. Comparat' prihdr['DATE'] = time.time() prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu]) writeName = join(os.environ['VMAX_DIR'], "data", boxName+"_"+str(boxRedshift)+"_"+qty+".fits") if os.path.isfile(writeName): os.remove(writeName) thdulist.writeto(writeName)
redshift = 0. hmf = get_hf(sigma_val=0.8228, boxRedshift=0., delta_wrt='mean') ks = hmf.k pks = hmf.power nbar = interp1d(hmf.sigma, hmf.rho_gtm/hmf.m) sigma_to_m = interp1d(hmf.sigma, hmf.M) m_to_sigma = interp1d(hmf.M, hmf.sigma) shot_simple = lambda sigma, volume: (nbar(sigma) * volume)**(-1.) #shot_double_raw = lambda s1, s2, volume: ((nbar(s1)+nbar(s2))/2. * volume)**(-1.) shot_double_raw = lambda s1, s2, volume: ((nbar(s1)*nbar(s2))**0.5 * 2*volume)**(-1.) def shot_double(s1, s2, volume, binW): s1_max = m_to_sigma(10**(n.log10(sigma_to_m(s1))+binW)) s2_max = m_to_sigma(10**(n.log10(sigma_to_m(s2))+binW)) return shot_double_raw(s1_max, s2_max, volume) def shot_noise_it(sigma, volume): print "sigma", sigma if n.log10(sigma_to_m(sigma))>=14: s_min = m_to_sigma(10**(n.log10(sigma_to_m(sigma))-0.025)) s_max = m_to_sigma(10**(n.log10(sigma_to_m(sigma))+0.025)) sns = n.array([ shot_simple(sigma, volume), shot_simple(s_min, volume), shot_simple(s_max, volume)]) print sns return n.max(sns) else: s_min = m_to_sigma(10**(n.log10(sigma_to_m(sigma))-0.125)) s_max = m_to_sigma(10**(n.log10(sigma_to_m(sigma))+0.125)) sns = n.array([ shot_simple(sigma, volume), shot_simple(s_min, volume), shot_simple(s_max, volume)]) print sns return n.max(sns) shot_noise = lambda sigma, volume: n.array([shot_noise_it(sig, volume) for sig in sigma]) meanDensity = (3840.**3.)*1.51 # (Msun/h) / (Mpc/h)**3 def integral(fun): xmin = n.log10(fun.x.min()) xmax = n.log10(fun.x.max()) innerbounds = n.arange(xmin, xmax,1)[1:] bounds = n.hstack((xmin, innerbounds, xmax)) out = n.empty(len(innerbounds)+1) out_err = n.empty(len(innerbounds)+1) for ii in range(len(innerbounds)+1): out[ii], out_err[ii] = quad(fun, 10**bounds[ii], 10**bounds[ii+1]) return n.sum(out), n.sum(out_err) # window function, # ------------------- # tophat w_th = lambda k, r : 3*(n.sin(k*r) - (k*r) * n.cos(k*r) )/(k*r)**3. # computes the moments of the linear pk for the whole volume # --------------------------------------------- Lboxes = n.array([400., 1000., 2500., 4000., 8000.]) # Mpc/h volumes = Lboxes**3. rboxes = (3. * volumes/(4.*n.pi))**(1./3.) print "all",rboxes sigs = [] for rbox in rboxes: ws_th = w_th(ks, rbox)**2. fun = interp1d(ks, ws_th * pks/(2*n.pi)**3./n.sum(ws_th)) sigs.append(integral(fun)) covariance_factor = n.transpose(sigs)[0] print "cf", covariance_factor # computes the moments of the linear pk for 90% of the volume # --------------------------------------------- Lboxes = n.array([400., 1000., 2500., 4000., 8000.]) volumes = Lboxes**3. *0.9 rboxes = (3. * volumes/(4.*n.pi))**(1./3.) print "90%",rboxes sigs = [] for rbox in rboxes: ws_th = w_th(ks, rbox)**2. fun = interp1d(ks, ws_th * pks/(2*n.pi)**3./n.sum(ws_th)) sigs.append(integral(fun)) covariance_factor_90 = n.transpose(sigs)[0] print "cf", covariance_factor_90 Lboxes = n.array([400., 1000., 2500., 4000., 8000.])/10. # Mpc/h volumes = Lboxes**3. rboxes = (3. * volumes/(4.*n.pi))**(1./3.) print "1/1000:",rboxes sigs = [] for rbox in rboxes: ws_th = w_th(ks, rbox)**2. fun = interp1d(ks, ws_th * pks/(2*n.pi)**3./n.sum(ws_th)) sigs.append(integral(fun)) covariance_factor_jk = n.transpose(sigs)[0] print "cf", covariance_factor_jk Lboxes = n.array([400., 1000., 2500., 4000., 8000.])/10. # Mpc/h volumes = Lboxes**3.*27. rboxes = (3. * volumes/(4.*n.pi))**(1./3.) print "1/1000:",rboxes sigs = [] for rbox in rboxes: ws_th = w_th(ks, rbox)**2. fun = interp1d(ks, ws_th * pks/(2*n.pi)**3./n.sum(ws_th)) sigs.append(integral(fun)) covariance_factor_jk2 = n.transpose(sigs)[0] print "cf", covariance_factor_jk2