Source code for ClusterScalingRelations

.. class:: ClusterScalingRelations

.. moduleauthor:: Johan Comparat <>

The class clusterScalingRelations is a wrapper to add cluster physics to the Multidark simulations results / outputs.

Based on 
 * Mantz et al. 2010b
 * Zandanel et al. 2014
To improve
 * use M200c instead to be consistent with WL
 * weak lensing, M500
 * look at weighting the giant
 * M200 mean in cosmo codes
 * changing the slope as s function of mass
 * add substructure
from scipy.stats import lognorm
from scipy.stats import norm
import cPickle
import fileinput
import as fits
import astropy.cosmology as co
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as cc
c2 = co.Planck13
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from os.path import join
import os
import astropy.units as uu
import numpy as n
import glob
import scipy.spatial.ckdtree as t
import time

[docs]class ClusterScalingRelations() : """ Loads the environement to assign stellar masses to halos from dark matter only simulations, here MultiDark simulations. :param Lbox: length of the box in Mpc/h :param wdir: Path to the multidark lightcone directory :param boxDir: box directory name :param snl: list of snapshots available :param zsl: list of redshift corresponding to the snapshots :param zArray: redshift array to be considered to interpolate the redshift -- distance conversion :param Hbox: Hubble constant at redshift 0 of the box :param Melement: Mass of the resolution element in solar masses. :param columnDict: dictionnary to convert column name into the index to find it in the snapshots """ def __init__(self,Lbox=2500.0 * uu.Mpc, boxDir=os.environ['MD04'], snl=[], Hbox = 67.77 * / (uu.s * uu.Mpc), Melement = 23593750000.0 ): self.Lbox = Lbox # box length self.Hbox = Hbox # Hubble constant at redshift 0 in the box self.boxDir = boxDir # directory of the box where the snapshots a stored self.snl = snl # snapshot list, path to files self.Melement = Melement # mass of one particle in the box self.h = 0.6777 # parameters used to run the simulation self.omega_lambda = 0.692885 self.omega_matter = 0.307115 self.omega_baryon = 0.048206 self.ns = 0.96 self.sigma8 = 0.8228 self.G = 6.67428 * 10**(-9) # cm3 g-1 s-2 self.Msun = 1.98892 * 10**(33.) # g self.Npart = 3840 self.force_resolution = 5. # kpc /h
[docs] def logkbTci(self, Mh_500, z, h=0.7, h70=1.0): """ Computes the cluster temperature no centrally excised after Mantz et al. 2010b. Returns : log of the temperature in keV :param Mh_500: halo mass array :param z: redshift array """ return 0.91 + 0.46 * n.log10(c2.efunc(z) * MH_500 * h / (h70 * 10**15 ) )
[docs] def get_Tci_K(self, Mh_500, z, h=0.7, h70=1.0): """ Samples with a Gaussian the Tci -- M500 scaling relation returns the temperature in Kelvin """ return 10**(norm.rvs(loc = self.logkbTci(Mh_500, z, h=0.7, h70=1.0), scale = 0.06 ) )/'keV/K').value
[docs] def get_kbTci_keV(self, Mh_500, z, h=0.7, h70=1.0): """ Samples with a Gaussian the Tci -- M500 scaling relation returns the temperature in keV """ return 10**(norm.rvs(loc = self.logkbTci(Mh_500, z, h=0.7, h70=1.0), scale = 0.06 ) )
[docs] def logLxbol(self, Mh_500, z, h70=1.0): """ Computes the bolometric X-ray luminosity for a halo of mass Mh_500 Returns : the bolometrix X-ray luminosity in keV :param Mh_500: halo mass array :param z: redshift array """ return -21.5 + 1.5 * n.log10(c2.efunc(z) * MH_500 * self.h / (h70 * 10**15 ) )