Some new results on symmetries, conserved charges and black-hole physics
JOINT ICMAT-IFT Colloquium. Tomás Ortín Miguel (IF…
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Some new results on symmetries, conserved charges and black-hole physics
JOINT ICMAT-IFT Colloquium. Tomás Ortín…

Who is afraid of the Dark Energy?
SO(Colloquium). Eric Linder (Berkeley). Abstract: …

Dark Matter in the Universe
SO(Colloquium). Katherine Freese (University of…

Gravitational Waves and Binary Black Holes
JOINT ICMAT-IFT Colloquium. Thibault Damour…

Unraveling Singularities: A Deep Dive Into Incompressible 3D Euler Equations
JOINT ICMAT-IFT Colloquium. Diego Cordoba…

Testing decaying dark matter with the cosmic background radiation and the first stars
SO(Colloquium). Tracy Slatyer (MIT) Abstract: …

New Physics: Where do we stand?
SO(Colloquium). Verónica Sanz (University of…

Nicolaus Copernicus and Half a Millennium of Modern Science
SO(Colloquium). Leszek Roszkowski (Astrocent, Poland).…

Fusion energy at MIT: from empirical to first-principles understanding of burning plasmas
SO(Colloquium). Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez (MIT). Abstract: …