Google Hangouts

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The IFT is carrying out a programme of Google Hangouts in spanish, during the academic year 2013-14, on diverse areas of active research. It is a great opportunity for you all to follow an open discussion among IFT members and researchers at other institutions, and to send your questions through our social networks.

The programmed topics for 2013-14 are as follows:

  • 10 December 2013: La partícula de Higgs y el misterio de la masa. Video
  • 13 February 2014: Cazadores de materia oscura. Video
  • 28 May 2014: Vivir en un agujero negro Video
  • September 2014: Los retos de la teoría de cuerdas Video
  • Coming soon: ¿Cómo detectar la energía oscura?

For more information, and to participate, check the webpage