Gobierno de España Ingenio 2010 Consolider
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Remember to mention in the acknowledgements the support of the project. We suggest to write something like:We thank the support of the spanish MICINN’s Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme under grant MultiDark CSD2009-00064

author: Guadalupe Sáez Cano; J .A. Morales de los Rios; Hector Prieto; Luis del Peral Gochicoa; Noelia Pacheco Gómez; Jesús Hernández Carretero; Kenji Shinozaki ; Francesco Fenu ; Andrea Santangelo ; M. Dolores Rodríguez Frías for the JEM-EUSO collaboration.
title: Observation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in cloudy conditions by the JEM-EUSO Space Observatory
journal: Proc 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) Beijing, China
year: 2011
pages: 111-114
eprint: 1204.5065

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