Gobierno de España Ingenio 2010 Consolider
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Remember to mention in the acknowledgements the support of the project. We suggest to write something like:We thank the support of the spanish MICINN’s Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme under grant MultiDark CSD2009-00064

author: H.Prieto-Alfonso; K.Tsuno; L. Del Peral; M. Casolino; J.A. Morales de los Ríos; G. Sáez-Cano; T. Ebisuzaki ; M.D . Rodríguez Frías
title: Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tube reliability analysis and radiation hardness assurance for the JEM-EUSO Space Mission.
journal: Proceedings of the 33nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio de Janeiro,
year: 2013
pages: 95-99
eprint: 1307.7071v1

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