Gobierno de España Ingenio 2010 Consolider
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Remember to mention in the acknowledgements the support of the project. We suggest to write something like:We thank the support of the spanish MICINN’s Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme under grant MultiDark CSD2009-00064

author: S. Walsh, M. Pitkin, M. Oliver, S. D’Antonio, V. Dergachev, A. Królak, P. Astone, M. Bejger, M. Di Giovanni, O. Dorosh, S. Frasca, P. Leaci, S. Mastrogiovanni, A. Miller, C. Palomba, M. A. Papa, O. J. Piccinni, K. Riles, O. Sauter, and A. M. Sintes
title: Comparison of methods for the detection of gravitational waves from unknown neutron stars
journal: Phys. Rev. D
volume: 94 (124010)
eprint: 1606.00660

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