Español (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)


High Energy Theory group Researcher

Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome




Prof. Melchiorri is an international expert, very well known from his research in cosmology and its connection to basic aspects of particle physics. For instance, some years ago he was part of the scientific team of the BOOMERANG experiment, which was able to establish the curvature of the universe (i.e. its "shape"). That was a milestone in our understanding of the universe. The result was later confirmed by WMAP and other experiments. Also, his works extracting upper bounds on neutrino masses from data about the cosmic background radiation are famous. At present, prof. Melchiorri is a prominent member of the PLANCK experiment, which represents the last generation in experiments to observe the cosmic background radiation with maximum accuracy and is going to provide essential data about the origin and structure of the universe. In summary, prof. Melchiorri is a first-class scientist in a field that fits excellently with much of the work developed by some HEPHACOS-project groups. Many HEPHACOS researchers do investigation in cosmology, from a more theoretical point of view than prof. Melchiorri, which guarantees a fruitful interaction between him and the local researchers. In addition, prof. Melchiorri is going to give a series of lectures addressed to Master and PhD students, which amounts to a an excellent opportunity for these young researchers to be introduced in a highly developing field, guided by a true expert.