Date and time: December 18 th, 2017 17:00 CET

Speaker: Rachel Houtz
Abstract: Given the lack of conventional SUSY signals in the LHC data, a more complicated story may be required to explain weak scale physics.
I will present a class of natural models which ensure the one-loop divergences in the Higgs mass are cancelled. The top partners are not
related by an internal symmetry of the Lagrangian, but instead the symmetry relation that ensures the cancellation arises at an infrared
fixed point. Such a cancellation mechanism can, a la Little Higgs models, push the scale of the new physics that completely solves the
hierarchy problem up to 5-10 TeV. When embedded in a supersymmetric model, the superpartner masses provide the cutoffs for the loops, and
the mechanism alleviates the stop mass dependence on the Higgs mass parameter. We examine the case of a gauge boson top partner and a new
scalar top partner neutral under QCD.
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